Look, nothing changes the fact that you guys put so much time in a thankless and expensive endeavor for love of the game (and self improvement).
It also doesn't change the fact a lot of people (myself included) were able to benefit from that and get hours upon hours of entertainment, meet new or rejoin old friends and form a community.
Nothing but respect and gratitude for that, thank you.With that said that's some crazy double talk going on there.
You've made a 180 from your initial announcement.
Did you get legal advise?
I mean
We have the idea and sense that Nostalrius can no longer live if Blizzard does not accept it. Nostalrius was a fan made project; therefor, hiding it in offshore countries to continue against the original game creator would be a transgression of our principles, of the reasons why Nostalrius existed in the first place
That's some grade A lawyer bullshit there.
When exactly did you get those principles? Before or after setting up the server in the first place?
Did you have any indication that Blizzard accepts Private Servers before going live?
I mean if you didn't want to go against Blizzard's wishes, the easiest way was to stay out of the private server scene me thinks.