Hello everyone!
This is yet another which class should I play thread!
Here is my situation: I am Australian and play very casually. Maybe a few hours a week. Eventually in maybe a couple of months I'd like to ding 60 and gear up my character through dungeons. I will probably not have time to raid, and if very casually. I will do a little bit of pvp, some alterac valley, arathi and maybe a bit of fair wpvp.
And lastly I have a very high latency. Around 390. So keep that in mind in helping me with my class decision.
What do I want? Not heal. Maybe tank, probably dps.
My choices: hunter. I know there damage is shit as, and that they are needed in raids. But what about endgame 5 and 10 mans? I'd like to be able to find groups easy and bring something into the group. Also a hunter would be fun and easy to level.
Also does the troll regeneration stack with spirit bond and is it worth speccing?
Rogue: how is the damage with medium gear( non raid) and are they welcome i groups even through the overpopulation.
Druid: feral dps/tank. Is it viable for dungeons?
For everyone that finds the time to answer: thank you and enjoy your day