lastnoob wrote:Wow. Didn't expect such a detailed post. Thank you for sharing your experience!
So I guess druids in cat form has subpar damage?
from my personal experience, druids are far more powerful as bear FC's with feral charge in this bracket. simply because they are such hard targets to kill. Regrowth/Rejuv + priest or paladin healer on a Bear is just broken. I didnt really look into druid twinks during retail because the class just simply did not interest me, but when i played with them, they were all bear FC druids and nothing else. I would even know how to gear a cat druid honestly. maybe with the rogue twink gear for this bracket? and find a good staff, such as the one from BFD for extra stam?? idk really.
what would be you be mostly interested in twinking? and how do you think the fights would turn out?
would rate this as best classes to twink
1. Hunter
2. Mage
3. Priest
4. Druid
5. Rogue
6. Paladin
7. Warrior
8. Warlock
9. Shaman
this is just imo, im sure others have there own opinion as well, but from my experience, this would be your ideal twinks. as for premade set up, i would go with
1. Hunter
2. Hunter
3. Mage
4. Mage
5. FC Druid
6. Disc Priest
7. Holy Paladin
8. Rogue
9. Rogue
10. Warlock
(massive DPS from hunters/mages, nice CC from mages/rogue/warlock, amazing heals with paladin/priest, great FC couple with disc priest while paladin heals the fights)
Pure DPS premade would be
1. Hunter
2. Hunter
3. Hunter
4. Mage
5. Mage
6. Mage
7. FC Druid
8. Rogue
9. Rogue
10. Disc Priest
(MASSIVE ammounts ofCC along with insane burst damage from hunters/rogues)
Pure Defenensive premade would be
1. Hunter
2. Hunter
3. Rogue
4. Rogue
5. Mage
6. FC Druid
7. Warrior
8. Disc Priest
9. Holy Paladin
10. Holy Paladin
(massive CC from rogues/mage/hunter traps, amazing heals from priest and paladins and alt FC from warrior)