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Question regarding casual classes
Fri May 01, 2015 2:56 am
by AstroMan
Hello everyone!
This is yet another which class should I play thread!
Here is my situation: I am Australian and play very casually. Maybe a few hours a week. Eventually in maybe a couple of months I'd like to ding 60 and gear up my character through dungeons. I will probably not have time to raid, and if very casually. I will do a little bit of pvp, some alterac valley, arathi and maybe a bit of fair wpvp.
And lastly I have a very high latency. Around 390. So keep that in mind in helping me with my class decision.
What do I want? Not heal. Maybe tank, probably dps.
My choices: hunter. I know there damage is shit as, and that they are needed in raids. But what about endgame 5 and 10 mans? I'd like to be able to find groups easy and bring something into the group. Also a hunter would be fun and easy to level.
Also does the troll regeneration stack with spirit bond and is it worth speccing?
Rogue: how is the damage with medium gear( non raid) and are they welcome i groups even through the overpopulation.
Druid: feral dps/tank. Is it viable for dungeons?
For everyone that finds the time to answer: thank you and enjoy your day
Re: Question regarding casual classes
Fri May 01, 2015 4:22 am
by AstroMan
Feel free to suggest other classes. My focus is just endgame dungeons with high latency and a bit pvp
Re: Question regarding casual classes
Fri May 01, 2015 5:15 am
by danker
From my personal experience:
Hunters are a fun choice, but if you want a similar pet based leveling experience with a bit more of an endgame demand I would consider a warlock. Rogues are very much overpopulated but for a reason... they are a ton of fun (tho a bit harder to level at first), although your latency would be a bit of an obstruction for pvp it certainly would still be fun. Feral druids are generally considered acceptable during the leveling process but once you hit 60 it will be a little more difficult to find groups as either a tank or dps... not saying it dosent happen, but its not the norm.
Again this is just from what ive seen, welcome to Nos!
Re: Question regarding casual classes
Fri May 01, 2015 6:59 am
by AstroMan
hey thanks for your input! i have considered warlocks too. how gear dependent are they though? and i was thinking i'd hate to port people around all the time when they forgot food/ammo/repair...
certainly been thinking about it though
why i'm currently considering hunter as the most probable choice: no competition in gear, only the odd rogue for weapons or jewlery, or the odd warrior.
less competion means better time investment for me as a player with very limited time in a game that asks for a lot of time!
keep the input coming! i'd love to hear all you opinions, tips and advise!
Re: Question regarding casual classes
Fri May 01, 2015 10:08 am
by riq and snog
Just play the class u are comfi with mate.
You chose your prefered role in grp tank or dps
As warrior you do get 5 man grps rather quick and can dps aswell
For pvp bring a healbot or 2:-)
All other dps
S priest fun in pvp 1 v 1 great grp support buffs offhealer dispell etc
Pve can be used as dps, valid in 5 mans vampiric touch is great
Mage cc food portals fun to play always welcome
Warlock good dps summons soulstone easy farm class beast in grp pvp
Druid / shaman mr hybrid u can not get bored of these guys ton of support in 5 mans fun in pvp
Very unique pvp due to 3 specs with different playstyle
Paladin.... i nevercould get one past lvl 20 due to massive combat interaction i was overwhelmed:-)
But having a well played paladin in your grp pve is great
Pvp even better:-) but mainly healer
Hunter tranqshot bot, easy farming, lots of fun pvp,
Rogue wpvp ragequit master:-)
Stealth farming, brings only pure dps, but alot of that:-)
Re: Question regarding casual classes
Fri May 01, 2015 11:09 am
by Eisseltron
AstroMan wrote:hey thanks for your input! i have considered warlocks too. how gear dependent are they though? and i was thinking i'd hate to port people around all the time when they forgot food/ammo/repair...
certainly been thinking about it though
why i'm currently considering hunter as the most probable choice: no competition in gear, only the odd rogue for weapons or jewlery, or the odd warrior.
less competion means better time investment for me as a player with very limited time in a game that asks for a lot of time!
keep the input coming! i'd love to hear all you opinions, tips and advise!
You will actually have a good bit of gear competition, because so much of the leather armor is so good that a lot of it is pre-raid BiS for Rogue, hunter, and warrior (and the occasional oddball feral druid/enh shaman/ret pally.)
Re: Question regarding casual classes
Fri May 01, 2015 11:21 am
by Molten
AstroMan wrote:hey thanks for your input! i have considered warlocks too. how gear dependent are they though? and i was thinking i'd hate to port people around all the time when they forgot food/ammo/repair...
certainly been thinking about it though
why i'm currently considering hunter as the most probable choice: no competition in gear, only the odd rogue for weapons or jewlery, or the odd warrior.
less competion means better time investment for me as a player with very limited time in a game that asks for a lot of time!
keep the input coming! i'd love to hear all you opinions, tips and advise!
Hunters always get in gear disputes, like all_the_time. Either it is ranged wep, melee or the occasional leather-thing you need over a rogue because it´s bis, and from time to time a ret/warrior/feral druid will do the same with you. At the moment you would see rogues, hunters & fury warrs running around with 2x dal´rends for example. So "no competition for gear" should not play a vital role in what you choose to play as it will be a huge dissappointment.
Rogues are very welcome in groups as they provide good damage, but as you say, there are quite a lot of them. Feral druids are welcome in 5-mans I guess as they after all are not any difficult. Feral is however not viable in raids.
Hunter/warlocks are the easiest and fastest to lvl, both provide good dps and you will have loads of fun wiht both. I would choose warlock as they in my opinion provide more when it comes to raids etc.
Re: Question regarding casual classes
Fri May 01, 2015 4:45 pm
by DrKvothe
I think that warrior would likely best suit your needs. There seems to be a lot of them, sure, but never enough to go around. "LF1m tank" is absurdly common. You'll spend a lot less time LFG, and the success or failure of the group will be more in your hands than if you play any other class. You've got multiple gear sets to work on, and while you'll compete for some of these sets, your plate tank drops should be indisputably yours.You can make your own groups and limit your competition for drops based on who you invite. Really want a ranged weapon drop? Don't bring a hunter. Really snazzy mail dps piece? Don't bring a hunter or shaman.
They're not the fastest to level, but if I were a warrior I would have actually bothered to do dungeons as I leveled, since lfg shouldn't take long. That's an entirely different leveling experience than I have had on my hunter.
Re: Question regarding casual classes
Fri May 01, 2015 5:19 pm
by Norjak
Just roll a Warlock, they are OP as hell in vanilla so you can be away for a while, come back a bit rusty & it won't really matter that much because you will be killing everything with relative ease. As ranged DPS they are fun to play & there's enough class-specific things to do that you won't be bored from grinding xp all the time.
Re: Question regarding casual classes
Wed May 06, 2015 8:54 pm
by Undertanker
I would recommend for a casual to play lock or druid. Because you are causual doesnt mean you cant raid,you actually will find you invest more time per week leveling than you will raiding. Gear will be thrown at you, you will always have a spot with non hardcore guilds for a raid.
You mention hunter because they are needed... 3 solid hunters is all you need, those spots are taken, and from people at or near 100%attendence so they dont lose thier spot.
5 mans only and just playing for quest, hunter is your best pick.
If I was casual, I would pick the most sought after class, so when I do have time to sit down, I do get invites rather than jumping around in main city for a good bit till I finally get a group.