What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

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Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by Gazelle » Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:16 pm

- achievements [because these were just fun completionist things]
- autoreplaced spell ranks
- barber shop [because fashion]
- cooking daily quests
- dual specs
- enhanced stat tooltips
- enhanced player portraits
- fishing daily quests
- guild bank
- improved flight paths [;___; why do I fly through Crossroads for everything???]
- late BC-early WotLK balancing [where most specs were viable]
- late BC talent trees

no summoning stones, no group finder, no queing for BGs from anywhere- basically nothing that removes the requirement to congregate in certain areas of the game or communicate through chat.
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Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by FrustratedMoth » Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:29 pm

All of these are great, save for:
Gazelle wrote:achievements [because these were just fun completionist things]

Having an achievement notification appear every thirty seconds for the first ten levels tends to ruin immersion. It reminds me more of Xbox Live rather than a roleplaying game, which is something I didn't like about retail and console RPGs like Skyrim. I might just be nitpicking here, I see why many people love gathering achievements, but... Ehhh.
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Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by Rhinzual30 » Wed Jun 03, 2015 12:52 am

FrustratedMoth wrote:All of these are great, save for:
Gazelle wrote:achievements [because these were just fun completionist things]

Having an achievement notification appear every thirty seconds for the first ten levels tends to ruin immersion. It reminds me more of Xbox Live rather than a roleplaying game, which is something I didn't like about retail and console RPGs like Skyrim. I might just be nitpicking here, I see why many people love gathering achievements, but... Ehhh.

I prefer Fallout: New Vegas style achievements (not the ones on PS3, XBox 360, or PC, but in-game achievements) that required you to pull off specific tasks in exchange for benefits to the character. Killing over a thousand NPCs? Congrats, you've now got a permanent 4%~ damage buff on that character. Use consumables a whole lot? Awesome, they now have stronger effects by default. Kill a bunch of people with a specific weapon type or unique weapon type (In GRA), you now get a 3%~ damage buff when using that weapon type.

Those are achievements in my eyes, useful ones anyway.
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Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by Bioness » Wed Jun 03, 2015 2:02 am

FrustratedMoth wrote:All of these are great, save for:
Gazelle wrote:achievements [because these were just fun completionist things]

Having an achievement notification appear every thirty seconds for the first ten levels tends to ruin immersion. It reminds me more of Xbox Live rather than a roleplaying game, which is something I didn't like about retail and console RPGs like Skyrim. I might just be nitpicking here, I see why many people love gathering achievements, but... Ehhh.

I would say they could filter out the baby's first step achievements and only keep the ones that people would actually care to brag about (imagine Loremaster for Vanilla).
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Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by Bioness » Wed Jun 03, 2015 2:04 am

FrustratedMoth wrote:All of these are great, save for:
Gazelle wrote:achievements [because these were just fun completionist things]

Having an achievement notification appear every thirty seconds for the first ten levels tends to ruin immersion. It reminds me more of Xbox Live rather than a roleplaying game, which is something I didn't like about retail and console RPGs like Skyrim. I might just be nitpicking here, I see why many people love gathering achievements, but... Ehhh.

I would say they could filter out the baby's first step achievements and only keep the ones that people would actually care to brag about (imagine Loremaster for Vanilla).
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Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by metalhk47 » Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:21 am

Although there are a huge amount of pain points in the original game I take it as it is, I wouldn't change Nostalrius if I could help it and I believe a BC server will open up later down the track.

Now as for improvements to QoL:

- Achievements
- Duel Specs to soften the cost of respecing
- Tuning of specs for pvp equality (This would skewer the vanilla experience tho)
- Achievements (technically impossible)
- Battle.NET like chat system (technically impossible)
- Death Knights that can only level to 60 (This would be so OP... Undead DKs everywhere)
- WoFS nerf or at least give humans their trinket thingy.
- 15min hearths (who doesn't like a 30minute journey back to the nearest city)

Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by Simonich » Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:44 am

None of all of this. Just one thing

Remove dishonorable kills, civilians will spawn elite guards instead
Was good to have you all

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