be a bit mature people , why people cant respect eachother

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be a bit mature people , why people cant respect eachother

by aammiinn » Thu May 28, 2015 11:52 am

well i have to repost this , cause previous one failed to be posted by me , so words are different here somehow

just look at the pic :


i censured it so they wont be ashamed, please people love each other and respect each other , we are all human , i always post this holy words in general channel but i get many whisper and bullshit that says bad things , this pic is not even 1% , dont ask me to stop this cause its god's will to i guide people to the light, love each other and dont be a stitches

be grateful and respect people around you

best regards

respect each other cause we are all human , no matter gay , lesbian ,transexual , black, white, red , yellow , short , tall , fat , thin , and all religious ,ginger, we are all the same , love each other

Amiin ~ orc shaman
Aammiinn ~ human paladin
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Re: be a bit mature people , why people cant respect eachoth

by azreal3133 » Thu May 28, 2015 11:57 am

Jesus christ.
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Re: be a bit mature people , why people cant respect eachoth

by Harold » Thu May 28, 2015 12:26 pm

0/10 bait

Why can't you just play the game like the rest of us?

Re: be a bit mature people , why people cant respect eachoth

by Norjak » Thu May 28, 2015 4:05 pm

People playing a free videogame hiding behind anonymous fantasy characters & acting like jerks, and you're hurt by this & posting it on the forums...k
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Re: be a bit mature people , why people cant respect eachoth

by Eulderink » Thu May 28, 2015 4:30 pm

^^ i like your good intentions, but responding with macro bitch doesn't do your case good.
+ that macro screams flaming, since it is exaggerated and too idealistic. People are not gonna take it seriously, if they even would, since this is the internet.

If you want to be treated mature act mature ;)

Re: be a bit mature people , why people cant respect eachoth

by Viorus » Thu May 28, 2015 4:37 pm

The majority of players here are below the age of 15. Welcome!
Viorin, 60 Night Elf Druid (USA), Knight-Champion

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Re: be a bit mature people , why people cant respect eachoth

by Crowley » Thu May 28, 2015 4:59 pm


You realize this is a game based on killing, right? Whether you're massacring harmless boars, or killing defias for their masks, or players in're here to kill. Everything else is just sprinkles and frosting.

I hope you pray every night to your god begging forgiveness for all the pixels you've murdered in the name of fun. You sick sick bastard.

Re: be a bit mature people , why people cant respect eachoth

by pmizz » Thu May 28, 2015 5:50 pm

Holy fuck literally teenage draenor babys

Nostalrius is fuckig awesome
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Re: be a bit mature people , why people cant respect eachoth

by melik1 » Thu May 28, 2015 6:34 pm

Harold wrote:0/10 bait

Why can't you just play the game like the rest of us?

0/10 bait?

look at all these replays and I AM WITH YOU OP I AGREE WITH YOUR POST!!


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