What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

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Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by Sham » Sat May 30, 2015 2:17 am

Zawa wrote:A lower cap on respec costs. Having to spend 100g a week if you want to raid and pvp is absurd.

This. It doesnt break much, just quality of life improvement.
I would also like to see NPC that locks EXP to help twinks.
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Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by Bioness » Sat May 30, 2015 2:25 am

In before someone makes a delusional comment like nothing should be...

Jackyy wrote:nothing. every change has the chance to destroy vanilla

God damn it...

Xef wrote:
Lakweeta wrote:The only thing I wish is a nerf to WotF. Nearly 90% of Horde are undead because of that racial. Races should be aesthetics, not racials. I think I've seen 2 orcs and 1 Tauren in my 2 days /played of in-game time :c

This is completely OT, but I'm bored of reading this same stuff everywhere. Do people just keep repeating this "WotF OP" rubbish because everybody else keeps repeating it? Not saying WotF isn't good, but so good that '90% of horde are undead' because of it? Come on.

Most rogues are UD, yet wotf helps them fight priests and warlocks which aren't the most difficult classes for them anyway. Wouldn't orcs be better? And wouldn't dwarves be amazing against warriors and other rogues, but how many of those do you see around?

Most warlocks are UD, wouldn't orc be a better option, to help fight rogues/warriors? Wotf doesn't exactly help locks beat all those rogues does it?

When somebody makes a thread asking "which race should I choose", isn't the answer pretty much every time "UD casting animations are the best"?

Wasn't UD pretty damn popular right from the start of wow? Tell me, how many people back then, when choosing their first character, went "oh man, look at this racial, sure sounds imba..(what's fear btw?)"

And everything changed when the Blood Elves were released...


Also since people are no longer concerned with aesthetics as they are max/mining every damn little detail, both Orcs and Taurens now outnumber the Undead.

Setup wrote:Arenas.
Rated BGs.
Guild banks.
25-man raids.

Everything else is fine. (Basically, I wish vanilla was TBC with rated battlegrounds.)

I agree with this.

If I were to make a custom Vanilla server, it would contain the content of Vanilla, but have many of the features and interface of later expansions, stuff like...

- Achievements (yes even the really stupid ones)
- Barbershop
- Duel spec
- Experience Locks (for all you sexy twinks out there)
- More hair styles
- More flexibility with macros
- Being able to see other players/nps health
- Being able to see stats like spellpower, crit, etc without addons
- Being able to see nameplates at further distances
- Mounts being able to swim in water
- Glittering effect on herbs and mining nodes like you would see on lootable bodies
- Being able to have auctions up for 48 hours
- Auction prices being saved
- Better Auction House sorting
- Nonretarded flight paths
- Meeting Stones being able to summon players as well as the WotLK level requirement (level 15 on all stones)
- New spell ranks automatically replacing old ranks on the action bar (if it is a single rank above it)

Stuff that would be nice, but I can see the benefit of not having them as convenience does make you lazier

-More flightpaths and graveyards - as much as I'm sure everyone just loves the Alliance corpse walk for the Barrens and the glorious travel for Horde to get to Badlands by running through several Alliance zones, the added graveyards and flightpaths made all of that so much less stressful.

Finally major Vanilla quirks that were quite frankly horrible no matter how you looked at it:

- Having to downrank your spells at MAX level because being level 60 and using spells you learned at level 24 so you don't run out of mana is brilliant game design (see the last bullet)
- Certain spec beings unplayable in a proper raid environment
- Gear having random stats or certain stats never being on certain armor types (e.g. Clothadins), this actually lead to the problem of certain specs being unplayable, because gear wasn't made with certain specs in mind. Gear doesn't have to be balls to the wall optimized like it was in Cataclysm, but it should MAKE SENSE
- The Debuff Limit
- Spirit

P.S. don't take this as me hating on vanilla, I love classic World of Warcraft, but that doesn't mean it was perfect far from it. Overall the experience I get from Vanilla lets me ignore so many of the things that were improved (yes improved) as World of Warcraft became more refined. Unfortunately you can refine a diamond in the rough, but eventually all refining will lead it to becoming worn away and no longer that beautiful gem but instead a tiny unrecognizable pebble. If you were to ask me where it all went wrong I couldn't pin point the exact moment because there isn't one. With each expansion came great improvements, however it would eventually become too cluttered and filled and altered and off-putting as more and more negatives started to cloud all the positives.
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Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by CoolFangs » Sat May 30, 2015 3:28 am

-Barber Shop
-Guild Banks
-Rated BGs
-Random BGs (because it encourages playing all of them, not just the 1 or 2 that are really popular)
-Queuing for BGs anywhere
-All or most specs being viable for raiding.
-Dual Spec, or cheaper respecs.
-Balanced racials, give good reason to play any race.
-Summoning Stones outside the dungeon.
-Group Finder (TBC innkeeper version, not the WotLK one).

Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by Allstar » Sat May 30, 2015 3:32 am

Guild banks and extremely expensive dual spec :twisted:

Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by Bioness » Sat May 30, 2015 4:02 am

Allstar wrote:Guild banks and extremely expensive dual spec :twisted:

Dual Talent Specialization was originally 1000g in Wrath of the Lich King, and was reduced in Cataclysm to 100g to finally 10g, yes it was fucking 10g in Cataclysm, an expansion where a player could amass over 100,000g without trying.

The maximum gold limit was 214,748g 36s 47c (or 231^31-1c), this was increased in Cataclysm (seeing a trend here) to 999,999g 99s 99c.

The most expensive item in current World of Warcraft (non Auction House/Black Market) is the Reins of the Grand Expedition Yak at 120,000g

Average high end gold for players at max level per expansion during and prior to dual spec.

Vanilla - 1,500
Burning Crusade - 10,000
Wrath of the Lich King - 30,000

Calculating gold accumulation differences and average prices of character benefits between expansions, I can conclude that if it were to be made in vanilla its approximate cost would be...


However given the limited number of gold sinks in pre Burning Crusade World of Warcraft, even if the price were 1000g it would still be worth it.
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Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by Mobi » Sat May 30, 2015 7:16 am

More 10 mans. The game badly needed one more at least.

More 20 mans.

More 40 mans.

More encounters that rely on unique class abilities, attrition encounters where your raid slowly gets killed off.

Really just more endgame.

Fun fact, if you ever wonder why they buffed gear so much toward the end of vanilla when it was borderline pointless to, it was because they had intended to continue patching for a while before the expansion still and they didn't want people to fall behind too much. If anyone can find the interview with the developer about 1.13 plans and such I would be much obliged because I've been looking for it for a while now as just a historical footnote on what might have been.

Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by FrustratedMoth » Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:52 pm

Vanilla itself is fine, but the attitudes of some people need to change. If people accepted pure hybrid druids/shamans/paladins into raids and stopped making guilds based on pot references, that'd be great.
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Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by Rhinzual30 » Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:19 pm

FrustratedMoth wrote:Vanilla itself is fine, but the attitudes of some people need to change. If people accepted pure hybrid druids/shamans/paladins into raids and stopped making guilds based on pot references, that'd be great.

Part of the issue is that the developers of WoW had a mindset that classes had roles and gear, talent, skills reinforced this. The itemization that starts to allow bear-form druids to reliably tank more end-game content has yet to be released onto the server. There's no defense on gear for leather items, meaning Druid tanks have to worry about Crushing Blows, and some fights that come later are very melee-dps-unfriendly with their aoe attacks.

I'm not saying I disagree with you, it's just that gear and such being what it is makes the hybrid roles harder to do a role that the original developers didn't have in mind. One thing that would help a lot is to increase the amount of debuff slots permitted on enemies up from a mere 8.
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Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by Bioness » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:54 am

FrustratedMoth wrote:Vanilla itself is fine, but the attitudes of some people need to change. If people accepted pure hybrid druids/shamans/paladins into raids and stopped making guilds based on pot references, that'd be great.

It is called efficiency, people realized there is no point in have 2 hybrids when you could have 1 pure dps and 1 pure healer who could more than compensate for both heals and damage.

People's attitudes regarding this are within sound reason.
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Re: What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

by Jombo » Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:55 pm

Class improvements seconded.

The roles in raids for most classes leave much to be desired. This is coming from a guy who has raided since retail vanilla and later on Emerald Dream (so please don't give me that "go back to WOTLK/Panda/WoD" crap cause I never played those and never will). Classes such as mage (frostbolt spam x10000) and paladin and druid (can only be healers in raids) are very limited in raids. For me the perfect Wow would be vanilla with redesigned talent trees for all classes to be more similar to TBC. I hated TBC when it was released and after giving it a chance I still dislike its zones' and items' ugliness and complete lack of atmosphere along with its uninteresting instances and flying mounts. But one thing was done right and that was the changes to the classes. Now, I realise that those talent trees were made with lvl 70 in mind, but still, mages (yes I have almost only played mage since my first day in Wow) had a lot more possibilities than just Fire/arcane or frost/arcane. Also the addition of new spells helped a lot.

But I guess, this will stay a dream forever since it is highly unlikely that anyone with the skills to make it would ever create a "custom vanilla" server. The puritanist people (with limited imagination) wouldn't play on such a server, and most others would probably not be drawn to some "non-official" (read: unreliable) custom stuff. Not to mention, of course, the huge amount of work it would probably require. One solution would be to make a server with the last patch before TBC which HAD TBC talents. This would save a lot of work, but they would still require balancing for lvl 60 limit.


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