What changes do you think would improve vanilla?

I'm guessing most of you don't like all the changes that Blizzard has done to the game, or else you wouldn't play here. However, are there any changes that happened in the expansions that actually benefited the game? Or what improvements could be made to vanilla? Take off those rose tinted goggles and come with a few suggestions.
Personally I'd like the talent trees to be fixed so that all specs are viable. It would be cool if every spec could incorporate both a PvP, PvE and a hybrid of the two. I.E a frost mage can spec both into defensive talents like frost barrier, frost nova, cold snap etc for PvP, but also be able to focus on PvE with mana conserving talents. Same would go for fire and arcane. That way you can play whatever you want without being gimped, instead of being forced to play a certain spec just because the others are completely worthless (looking at you paladin protection spec). Dual spec is a bit iffy, spending time to consider your build I think adds quite a bit of immersion to the game, however annoying when you're a healer and tries to grind.
I'd also like to see more cooldowns and more interesting rotations. Most classes have pretty much one spell to cast in raids, would be nice with a few alternatives rather than just spamming shadowbolt or frostbolt for the entire game.
One thing that is almost game-breaking in PvP at the moment is the Will of the Forsaken racial. Not only acting as a pvp trinket, but also makes you immune for 5 or so seconds. The other racials pale in comparison.
Speaking about PvP, I've always liked arenas and rated battlegrounds. Now we have premades that dodge each other in order to achieve a quick win and good honor. I'd rather see the blue gear being available to people who pug bgs, but the epic being available to arena teams and rated battlegrounds.
It would also be cool with a system for organising tournaments in PvP. Imagine several teams competing to be the best on the server and win some prize money too.
These are a few suggestions, what do you think?
Personally I'd like the talent trees to be fixed so that all specs are viable. It would be cool if every spec could incorporate both a PvP, PvE and a hybrid of the two. I.E a frost mage can spec both into defensive talents like frost barrier, frost nova, cold snap etc for PvP, but also be able to focus on PvE with mana conserving talents. Same would go for fire and arcane. That way you can play whatever you want without being gimped, instead of being forced to play a certain spec just because the others are completely worthless (looking at you paladin protection spec). Dual spec is a bit iffy, spending time to consider your build I think adds quite a bit of immersion to the game, however annoying when you're a healer and tries to grind.
I'd also like to see more cooldowns and more interesting rotations. Most classes have pretty much one spell to cast in raids, would be nice with a few alternatives rather than just spamming shadowbolt or frostbolt for the entire game.
One thing that is almost game-breaking in PvP at the moment is the Will of the Forsaken racial. Not only acting as a pvp trinket, but also makes you immune for 5 or so seconds. The other racials pale in comparison.
Speaking about PvP, I've always liked arenas and rated battlegrounds. Now we have premades that dodge each other in order to achieve a quick win and good honor. I'd rather see the blue gear being available to people who pug bgs, but the epic being available to arena teams and rated battlegrounds.
It would also be cool with a system for organising tournaments in PvP. Imagine several teams competing to be the best on the server and win some prize money too.
These are a few suggestions, what do you think?