Hey there im from another server called Emerald dream i hope to see some old guildies here or people that are from ed and reconise me give me a shout ingame!
used to be in Endboss is love alliance side as a warrior tank by the name of Rickk.
( http://realmplayers.com/CharacterViewer ... ayer=Rickk )
I quit since alot off raidcore people quit but i also had to sort some stuff in real life witch is now solved thankgod.
I tryed out a server called dalaran wow a wotlk server for a week or 2 as a dwarf priest but that whas just not my thing.
Ones i came back to ED i saw the server whas not what it used to be (i only left 1/2 months now) the guild is gone and also the population.
I want the vanilla feel again i have tryed the wotlk feel but its just not working for me and vanilla wow is the way to go for me it seems.
The hard grind to 60 and the grind for loot every single week raiding with 40 people thats what i like and enjoy about wow.
At the moment im giving Nost a shot since it has a huge population and im hoping i can hit lvl 60 asap again and start raiding again and have the same fun i have on ED.
I choose to play an undead warlock here by the name Ricck (for some reason someone picked rickk already)
I hope to meet some old players ingame that are also on here on the server and i hope to be raiding asap again because i miss it !