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Planning in playing nolst i have some questions though.

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2015 6:45 am
by helzo
^Just like the title says i'm about to download the client but i have to ask, is it save to do ? I mean i dont want viruses or some shit also i play retail do you think i migt get a keylogger from the cliant or banned by blizz for playing nolst? Anyone else here plays retail too?

Re: Planning in playing nolst i have some questions though.

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2015 7:00 am
by Punkize
Hei, I also play on retail. First of all it's safe to download the lcient, there are no viruses on the client you download from the forums here. Also, Blizzard has no interes if you play or not play on private servers. you will not get banned at all ^_^ I can't belive private servers are around since vanilla launched, and people are still afraid of them.

See you in-game Helzo, welcome on Nostalrius!

Re: Planning in playing nolst i have some questions though.

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2015 7:28 am
by Xylon666Darkstar
7k+ play here.

So no, you won't. Unless you're going to some 3rd party site that's not attached to this one to DL.

Re: Planning in playing nolst i have some questions though.

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2015 10:14 am
by Crysthal
Well I once mentioned that I'm playing on a private server too (just by the way - without telling ppl to join this server or bashing retail at all) and got permanently banned from the official Forums. So do not mention anywhere that you are playing on private servers or your retail account may be endangered.

The client is safe but still I would not use your retail login data.

This server is great, give it a try! :)

Re: Planning in playing nolst i have some questions though.

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2015 12:59 pm
by helzo
Alright thanks for your resposes friends,now i downloaded the installer from the forums and cant decompress because it says that either the folder is empty when its not or its corrupt :(

Re: Planning in playing nolst i have some questions though.

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2015 1:48 pm
by Koviko
Crysthal wrote:Well I once mentioned that I'm playing on a private server too (just by the way - without telling ppl to join this server or bashing retail at all) and got permanently banned from the official Forums.

It's one thing to allow us to exist. It's another to allow us to be discussed on their official forums.

Simply existing doesn't really hurt their bottom line. Most of the players either have no intentions of ever being a customer or will decide to become a customer after trying out the private server as a "demo." However, advertising out existence on their forums actually hurts their bottom line because those are their currently paying customers. Telling paying customers that they can play without paying would put a dent in their sales.

Also, it's the principle of the matter. They know about us, they just choose to ignore us as if they don't know. That's the only way we can live in harmony.

Re: Planning in playing nolst i have some questions though.

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 1:12 pm
by Uzephi
helzo wrote:Alright thanks for your resposes friends,now i downloaded the installer from the forums and cant decompress because it says that either the folder is empty when its not or its corrupt :(

Be sure you have a recent version of the extracting program. I assisted with someone who was running an old winzip application and it wouldn't extract because it didn't have the right decompressing algorithm. Just download the most up to date extracting program and you should be able to extract it no problem.