Fury level 60 raiding build?

Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by gurb1319 » Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:29 am

Hmmm how is it call like ? Badtank ? Ho , you're a badtank right Badtank ? Ok nvw..


PS : "There where no good french guild" /lol. And where did you come from ?
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Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by Athene » Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:17 am

Leave the fetus alone, he knows everything about the game, obviously.

Badtank wrote:Hell with 8 debuff's we can't even do scorch/ignite mages going into BWL.


Let's assume you know nothing instead :D

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Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by Badtank » Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:32 pm

Leave it to the french to have no idea what a joke is. Once a fury warrior reaches a certain gear threshold he produces more threat then any tank can possible hope to keep up with. If you had every played past BWL you would know this.
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Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by St0rfan » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:31 am

Badtank wrote:Leave it to the french to have no idea what a joke is. Once a fury warrior reaches a certain gear threshold he produces more threat then any tank can possible hope to keep up with. If you had every played past BWL you would know this.

That could vary honestly. Personaly I havnt raided as horde past MC but I have cleared AQ40 as alliance without having any issues with threat, despite being able to spam HS and with basically bis gear. However I guess salv is the main factor here, also having great tanks with TF or Alcors does make a huge difference.
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Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by nessåj » Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:02 pm


This is how you need to fury, don't pick cleave talent, this is shit, and don't use cleave cause replace a white hit (so no rage from this one) cleave can be use to replace heroic strike in aoe situation (when 50+ rage).

So WW is better than cleave for a reason, don't replace a white hit (mean you still generate rage) and if cleave show more damage tell you the number you see is the damage from white + a really small part from cleave damage.

Alternative is: http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#LhhLbhbZVVzVxxoqo leave 1 point to improved berserker rage to have the piercing howl

PS: warrior can have less threat problem with http://db.vanillagaming.org/?spell=1038, in alliance, you win bleesing of salvation and blessing of might, but loose windfury and STR totem and bloodlust.
So you will do less damage and product less threat, that why some can have no problem with threat

Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by St0rfan » Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:22 pm

nessåj wrote:http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#LhhLbhbZVV0Vxxoio

This is how you need to fury, don't pick cleave talent, this is shit, and don't use cleave cause replace a white hit (so no rage from this one) cleave can be use to replace heroic strike in aoe situation (when 50+ rage).

So WW is better than cleave for a reason, don't replace a white hit (mean you still generate rage) and if cleave show more damage tell you the number you see is the damage from white + a really small part from cleave damage.

Alternative is: http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#LhhLbhbZVVzVxxoqo leave 1 point to improved berserker rage to have the piercing howl

PS: warrior can have less threat problem with http://db.vanillagaming.org/?spell=1038, in alliance, you win bleesing of salvation and blessing of might, but loose windfury and STR totem and bloodlust.
So you will do less damage and product less threat, that why some can have no problem with threat

1. 5/5 tac is better than 3/3 HS as you'll see more rage-loss from stance-dance than the extra cost of HS. 5 rage saved on stance dance vs 1 rage saved in 3/3 hs vs 2/3 hs.

2. 2/2 execute is superior to 2/2 berserker rage.
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Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by Gazpy » Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:19 pm

never had problem dumping rage that 10 rage was enough for me to dump fastly in battle stance, you are in Battlestance for 1.5 sec no longer time it taht you don't do white hits inside of it thus tactical mastery is really not needed maxed, and what the hell is about you rather do white hit then use rage, what the fuck for real, you have Rage to spend it not to save it you don't have nukes, you have attacks depending on your autohit swings.
And for last, are you the only warrior in your group? If not then not having maxed Bshout yields more dps as you could spend the points elsewhere. The End.
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Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by osa » Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:52 am

Badtank wrote:Leave it to the french to have no idea what a joke is. Once a fury warrior reaches a certain gear threshold he produces more threat then any tank can possible hope to keep up with. If you had every played past BWL you would know this.

sometime when stupid and retarded ppl make silly joke we assume they dont joke :)

this "Once a fury warrior reaches a certain gear threshold he produces more threat then any tank can possible hope to keep up with" sound like "i'm a fucking bad tank and i dont know how to spam my HS and use my spell well too keep my threat UP vs good DmgDealer :'( :'( please help ! "

like i said kid... the only way for me to loose the aggro is to be Dead or a war fury after 3sec engage use Deathwish Reckless full consumable :)
I have a habit on boss like gollemag i BET Money like 50g or more to the One i loose Aggro for 3sec after the pull :) and ziley won One TIME §

like everyone else here say a fury warrior can use HS all the time when he want ! when a good tank is in the raid :) keep it real kid :)
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Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by Gazpy » Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:57 am

osa wrote:
Badtank wrote:Leave it to the french to have no idea what a joke is. Once a fury warrior reaches a certain gear threshold he produces more threat then any tank can possible hope to keep up with. If you had every played past BWL you would know this.

sometime when stupid and retarded ppl make silly joke we assume they dont joke :)

this "Once a fury warrior reaches a certain gear threshold he produces more threat then any tank can possible hope to keep up with" sound like "i'm a fucking bad tank and i dont know how to spam my HS and use my spell well too keep my threat UP vs good DmgDealer :'( :'( please help ! "

like i said kid... the only way for me to loose the aggro is to be Dead or a war fury after 3sec engage use Deathwish Reckless full consumable :)
I have a habit on boss like gollemag i BET Money like 50g or more to the One i loose Aggro for 3sec after the pull :) and ziley won One TIME §

like everyone else here say a fury warrior can use HS all the time when he want ! when a good tank is in the raid :) keep it real kid :)

We will see strating on Ebonroc, Flamegor, Firemaw, Vaelestrasz, Nefarian.
and those meters are what ? tank is 18th in dps meter:D wut, wut, wut.
and why would you pop DW with all consumables at beginning of a boss that takes less than 3 minutes, better to save for execute.
Oh my good dog!
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by St0rfan » Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:14 pm

osa wrote:
Badtank wrote:Leave it to the french to have no idea what a joke is. Once a fury warrior reaches a certain gear threshold he produces more threat then any tank can possible hope to keep up with. If you had every played past BWL you would know this.

sometime when stupid and retarded ppl make silly joke we assume they dont joke :)

this "Once a fury warrior reaches a certain gear threshold he produces more threat then any tank can possible hope to keep up with" sound like "i'm a fucking bad tank and i dont know how to spam my HS and use my spell well too keep my threat UP vs good DmgDealer :'( :'( please help ! "

like i said kid... the only way for me to loose the aggro is to be Dead or a war fury after 3sec engage use Deathwish Reckless full consumable :)
I have a habit on boss like gollemag i BET Money like 50g or more to the One i loose Aggro for 3sec after the pull :) and ziley won One TIME §

like everyone else here say a fury warrior can use HS all the time when he want ! when a good tank is in the raid :) keep it real kid :)

Speaking from personal experience I would tend to agree. I have managed around 1350-1400dps on Vael as fury without pulling aggro. The tank was obviously VERY good geared, impale-spec and using Alcors. I will admit this was as alliance so Salvation was present in this case though.
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