Arms in PVE

Arms in PVE

by Firehawk27 » Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:20 am

As I am getting closer to 60 I am looking more at the gearing and specs for end game raiding, as I have little to no interest in PVP. I have a dwarf warrior and I like the feel of using a 2 hander rather than dual weilding in Fury, I am wondering if it is at all viable to play arms and use a 2 hander in raids without sacrificing too much dps.

From my reasearch into specs and such, I have found very mixed answers about arms. I believe I found that arms was less gear intensive, so would that be better to start with and switch to fury at a later point when I have more gear? Or should I just attempt to go fury right away with mediocre gear as a fresh 60?

I played in vanilla and TBC wow but never really got into raiding at the time, so I don't have the knowledge of what it was like in retail at the time.

Also if Arms is a viable spec for PVE could someone assist in a pre-BiS list and the best spec to use?

Re: Arms in PVE

by St0rfan » Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:09 am

Firehawk27 wrote:As I am getting closer to 60 I am looking more at the gearing and specs for end game raiding, as I have little to no interest in PVP. I have a dwarf warrior and I like the feel of using a 2 hander rather than dual weilding in Fury, I am wondering if it is at all viable to play arms and use a 2 hander in raids without sacrificing too much dps.

From my reasearch into specs and such, I have found very mixed answers about arms. I believe I found that arms was less gear intensive, so would that be better to start with and switch to fury at a later point when I have more gear? Or should I just attempt to go fury right away with mediocre gear as a fresh 60?

I played in vanilla and TBC wow but never really got into raiding at the time, so I don't have the knowledge of what it was like in retail at the time.

Also if Arms is a viable spec for PVE could someone assist in a pre-BiS list and the best spec to use?

I gave this answer to the same question in a previous thread but I'll post it again. There are two main reasons arms isnt viable for raiding.

1. MortalStrike debuff takes up a prioritized debuff slot on boss-target, which is a waste of a debuff slot. Even with the debuff slots increasing to 16 soon it will still not be viable.

2. Arms is simply worse DPS than Fury, so if we pretend to ignore #1 above, why would a raid-leader take an arms warrior before a fury, or a rogue?

The option that remains for you if you desperate wants to raid with 2handers is 2h fury, which actually is quite viable and if done right can compete with Dualwield-Fury.

EDIT: Here's is a viable 2h fury spec:
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Re: Arms in PVE

by JeeTee » Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:24 am

Use 2hand fury, death wish and flurry are too strong to give up.
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Re: Arms in PVE

by vido » Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:25 am

if you're gonna go with 2h fury you have to spec into slam. It's the only thing that sets 2h fury apart from DW so it would be retarded not to utilise it.
Sergeant Major
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Re: Arms in PVE

by St0rfan » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:03 am

vido wrote:if you're gonna go with 2h fury you have to spec into slam. It's the only thing that sets 2h fury apart from DW so it would be retarded not to utilise it.

No you dont. Unless you can manage perfectly flawless execution, those 5/5 slam points are wasted and could be put to better use elsewhere in the tree. I have raided with 2h furies from MC thru AQ40, none of which has utilized slam, yet they compete for top dps spots with the rogues and DW-furies.

TLDR: Slam is a waste for 99% of 2h furies since it require absolute, perfectly flawless and timed usage, aswell as it makes you less mobile because slam is a casted ability.

TLDRDR: became longer that expected.
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Re: Arms in PVE

by JeeTee » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:12 am

It's pretty hard to use slam with 5/5 flurry haste. I use slam(not improved) when I am MS and too lazy to respec for raids, even then it's just OK at best.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Arms in PVE

by St0rfan » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:24 am

JeeTee wrote:It's pretty hard to use slam with 5/5 flurry haste. I use slam(not improved) when I am MS and too lazy to respec for raids, even then it's just OK at best.

If you use a 2h sword with 2h sword spec, you are probably better off spamming hamstring for procs between your main abilities rather than wasting time/effort/rage/swingtimer on slam.
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Re: Arms in PVE

by nessåj » Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:47 pm

Slam spec need a lot of attention of your cycle.

The thing is => the slam reset the swing timer of your weapon, so if you have a weapon 3.8s, and 3s of your swing timer have passed (0.8s before land white auto) and you land a slam your auto won't land, and you won't win rage from auto.

So the way to play slam is, auto then slam at the same moment auto land, like this you reset the swing only by the 1s cast time (improved).

It's preferable to play with a Enh shaman for WF totem (easier to have some rage).

you can add some bloodthirst if a lot of rage (like 50+), heroic strike not adviced cause if bad management you can fuck your rotation (or to use carefully)

I am not sure about the slam effectiveness, in TBC this spec is good cause add +4% physical damage debuff for the raid, and slam have 0.5s cast (instead 1s) vanilla, so mean it reset a more important part of your swing in vanilla.

But if you like play this spec more than DW, don't let RL say what you have to play, find one who will accept you as you are.

(sorry for my bad english, but at least i try)

Re: Arms in PVE

by zmandude24 » Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:33 am

Arms is viable in MC... as OT and not dps.
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