The Shortest Path wrote:The effect isn't wrong, it just doesn't explain itself well. It slows out-of-combat rage reduction by 30% by giving you passive rage generation of 30% of the reduction. It just doesn't shut off in combat.
Okay. Either way, as I said above its not worth spending 1 talent point for 20rage/minute, which is nothing basically considering just how much rage you generate and use in a minutes time.
westlee wrote:The Shortest Path wrote:Your swing timer resets completely after slam finishes.
0.0 hit
3.4 hit
3.5 start slam (assuming 100 ms latency, will probably be slightly later but this is a model)
5.0 finish slam (no imp slam)
8.4 hit
wheras not using slam and just attacking gives you
0.0 hit
3.4 hit
6.8 hit
10.2 hit
It effectively reduces your attack speed to 1.5 seconds for a single attack, but can only be used while not moving and not taking damage yourself. It's tricky, but can be a big dps gain on fights where the conditions are easy, and doesn't hinder your rage generation as much as Heroic Strike does.
I wouldn't ever take the talent, you pretty much have to drop imp cleave for it and the times where imp cleave matters are way more important than the times when taking half a second off of slam matters.
Imp cleave only adds 60 damage to cleave so I would argue against that point.
Heroic strike and cleave were also bugged recently where extra attack procs weren't working with it, can't even confirm it is fixed.
It's very difficult to manage huge rage gains with stance dancing so maybe imp 2h spec could be better than points in slam, but I still think with 2.6 speed it's worth using...
You MAY also find some viability (fun at least) speccing 21/30 without bloodthirst and using sweeping strikes, however, it certainly is not an optimal raiding spec.
I think you can also utilize slam more in MC fights than you can in BWL so that's another thing to consider, more movement less slam chances, other talents become a little bit better than imp slam. I always try and find things out for myself and come to my own conclusions, which aren't always fact. GL again
Honestly there arent many completely stationary fights in MC either. The exceptions would be Garr and Golemag. Actually there's more stationary fights in BWL than MC. Vaelstrasz, Flamegor, firemaw, ebonroc, Nefarian (p2). Chromaggus (sort of).