Rights to loot

Rights to loot

by Radzan » Sat Aug 22, 2015 7:46 pm

Is it normal that tank rolls on dps gear? I saw tanks needing Dal'rend sword, felstriker, ironfoe, hoj without reserving that items. So i'm wondering if im not loser when i passing dps gear.

Re: Rights to loot

by zmandude24 » Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:31 am

The ones that roll on dps items are either going to raid as fury or use it to farm. I do that all the time in pugs, but never if a guildie in the group needs it for main spec.
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Re: Rights to loot

by St0rfan » Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:07 am

I normaly inform the group when joining that I plan to roll on DPS gear. It is assumed that one should roll for the spec/role you bring so if you plan to deviate from that it is a good courtesy to inform the group.
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Re: Rights to loot

by Grondahl » Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:19 pm

St0rfan wrote:I normaly inform the group when joining that I plan to roll on DPS gear. It is assumed that one should roll for the spec/role you bring so if you plan to deviate from that it is a good courtesy to inform the group.

Same here. As soon as I join, or as soon as a competing class/spec joins the group I let them know to give them the opportunity to find another group or kick me if they want. Since tanks are hard to come by there's usually not too much of a fuss.

However, I have a double standard for this: If a DPS warrior wants to roll on tank gear I have an issue with that. You can tank (almost) any 5 man in AH greens and get your own gear.

Edit: autocorrect fail.
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Re: Rights to loot

by Zaft » Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:23 pm

Tanks are hard to come by, hence they can roll on dps gear. Some may just go as tanks to get a group going, and they are in fact actually planning on being a dps for endgame raiding. Do you want to wait another hour for a tank or go with one that will roll on dps gear? I would go with the ladder.

If the tank doesn't let anyone know about his plans to roll on dps items in advance then I can see why there would be a problem.
Sergeant Major
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Re: Rights to loot

by Cortana » Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:15 pm

Grondahl wrote:
St0rfan wrote:I normaly inform the group when joining that I plan to roll on DPS gear. It is assumed that one should roll for the spec/role you bring so if you plan to deviate from that it is a good courtesy to inform the group.

Same here. As soon as I join, or as soon as a competing class/spec joins the group I let them know to give them the opportunity to find another group or kick me if they want. Since tanks are hard to come by there's usually not too much of a fuss.

However, I have a double standard for this: If a DPS warrior wants to roll on tank gear I have an issue with that. You can tank (almost) any 5 man in AH greens and get your own gear.

Edit: autocorrect fail.

Sounds fair to me
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Re: Rights to loot

by Jooga » Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:04 am

I used to skip all dps loots when I needed tank gear, but now that I'm bis+MC geared I do roll on dps gear without asking the right to do so.

On the other hand I never reserve anything, it is even against our guild policy to make dungeon groups that reserve items. I see it the way that I'm doing a favor by tanking an instance with decent gear and I have the right to loot my offspec items.

Now I regret passing HoJ early on for rogues.... Still need to do BRD :E

Re: Rights to loot

by chunass » Wed Sep 02, 2015 1:56 pm

When I'm tanking on my fury warrior I definitely won't pass on a dps gear upgrade just because some other warrior didn't feel like tanking. If I was actually prot specced I would however make it clear that I plan to roll on dps gear.
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