Warrior is it worth playing, end game

Re: Warrior is it worth playing, end game

by Undertanker » Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:43 pm

Valor sucks. Only worth getting to bank until 0.5 tier for 2/8 chance on heal set bonus.

As for the person's brick wall because they can not raid, that is an issue with schedule and RL commitments, not playing a warrior.

Tanking spots are limited in raids. Few guilds could fit another fury.

Go proc and start with running brd with getting +def legs and trinket. Move up to LBRS/DM runs, then scholo/strat UD. UBRS/start live. State you are taking dps gear as well (start your own group if needed). Spam run and you should be geared in 2-3 weeks.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard


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