Bugs that I've noticed regarding charge:
1) You land behind your target in PvP. I've lost count of the amount of times I couldn't connect the charge-hamstring sequence on a target, because after running up to him, I ended up passing him and had to quickbly badpedal or turn around to actually be in melee range. Charge should always, always put you in front of the target. They are stunned in place for a short moment precisely for you to make contact. It's rarer in PvE though.
2) You land and face the wrong way, happens in PvE as well, even vs static mobs. You hit charge, and when you get to the target, you're facing to a side, or even to the opposite direction where he is, again wasting a second or so of your time, where you can't connect the next hit immediately. I've been told this has largely to do with camera angle panning while charging, but it really shouldn't change anything. Camera =/= character position.
- I've not tried charging while falling from a high distance, to avoid the fall damage. Some people have said this doesn't work and you lose the HP like if you hadn't charged. Can anyone confirm?
Can you list more bugs? One of the best features of Nostalrius is actually having a working charge, so let's provide collective feedback to fix what little is left to make it perfect.
I am aware there is a bug thread for warrior spells, but I believe charge (and intercept) elicits a special mention here.
I use Intercept more rarely, but seems to follow the same patterns.