No hp/attribute increase for reaching level 19?

No hp/attribute increase for reaching level 19?

by CrusherX7 » Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:43 pm

When I reached level 19 on my human warrior, the window in the bottom-left corner of the screen that normally lists the amount of HP and attribute points you gain only showed "You have gained 0 hit points." There was no mention of any increase to my attributes.

I was wondering if someone could list the base attributes a level 19 human warrior should have so I can be sure that I'm not somehow behind everyone else. Thank you for reading this.

Re: No hp/attribute increase for reaching level 19?

by Xom » Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:08 pm

While I can't speak to this specifically - I did notice that when I dinged... 16? 17? something like that... I actually had a drop in Stamina by -1. Strange...

Re: No hp/attribute increase for reaching level 19?

by Dredd » Mon Nov 09, 2015 7:43 am

Bump. This happened to me. No increase in hit points, no stated increase in stats. Mistake, bug, or anything?

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