by 416design » Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:00 am
hey there guys
im trying to write a macro that will only use bloodrage if my target is executable + i am low on rage..
so far i have this written:
/run tar,maxhp,rage=UnitHealth('target'),UnitHealthMax('target'),UnitMana('player');
if ((tar/maxhp)>0.20) then if (rage<13) then cast("Bloodrage") else cast("Execute") end end
im struggling with how to do multiple conditions, i cant seem to write 2 conditions, as it doesnt recongize AND or && .. is there something im missing?
ideally id want to do something like :
if (tar/maxhp)>0.20 AND rage<13) then cast ("Bloodrage");
so that i use my enrage ability only when its absolutely neccessary to get the kill..