by TheGreyMouser » Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:31 pm
One important thing to remember when leveling a warrior is the type of warrior you are leveling. Fury and using a big assed 2h axe or sword is fine, because of the rage mechanics, same goes for arms. Class/spec mechanics and rage generation. However, I always play and level as protection. So what is the best type of sword to level protection? Answer: NONE. Remember, you generate rage by actually hitting your target, the faster you hit the more rage you generate for finishers. That is where your damage is. So what do you use to level a protection warrior? Daggers! The best you can get. If you are a blacksmith, you can make some pretty decent daggers to level with. Most have agility, you will want any you can find with strength or str and agil. Agil gives you crit and armor, dodge, parry, etc etc.
So you use 2 daggers to quest with, and a dagger and shield (with a shield spike asap) for tanking. (shield spike = +dmg on blocks, + dmg = + threat.
Now I dont know about most people leveling a warrior as a first alt, but even with a lev 60 rogue alt, I am still pretty broke. Crusader? Hell that costs more than my mount! The MATS alone cost more than my mount! Just go with a simple, easy, cheap (or free) enchant of +dmg and use sharpening stones (which you make yourself from blacksmithing).
Another thing to note, I am not sure about horde, but on alliance, you can kill that creepy undead elite that spawns in southshore, he seems to drop a lot of level 40 plate. If you have an alt, kill that guy as much as possible, or group up and gank it, by the time you hit 40 you will have nearly a full set ( or at least 4 or 5 items) of nice plate gear, with extra to trade with other warriors.. (maybe you want to stack def? Trade your non def items to a fury or arms)