Thebrother wrote:Bis for 5 mans would be overlord(defense one)+band of accuria, this might hold for raids up through zg and possibly mc. Bwl I would say overlord(defense) + heavy dark iron. I don't see a situation where overlord set would top either of those. Alot of tanks of course where archimitros, but imo it's wrong. I often wonder how many of these vanilla experts actually played vanilla...
AV ring + Accuria.
The main tank of a boss in BWL when not being def capped has to wear hit as well once your guilds dps reaches a point where your threat moves can't keep up and they have to hold back.
Off tanks on fights like the drakes fight the boss for a very limited time and when they have to taunt, they don't have 10+ healers already precasting on them like the MT has. So an OT will want to pool as much stam as possible to give more reaction time for the healers for the few seconds they got the boss.
Also most things that kill you in tank situations are breaths, magic damage or being completely CCed like the Wyromkins can tornado you. You can't dodge these situations and a bigger health pool will save your ass.
When I'm main tanking I use heavy dark iron ring and AV ring until Accuria finally drops only 2 since April of last year. But I will not be taking off AV ring, I'll be taking off heavy dark iron ring. I lose 5 def, but will be putting 3 def on boots and chest to equalize it (already have on gloves). This will give me 6 hit% with 6/8 T2, T1 gloves and Truflight bracers, stayr bow (until aq 20 x-bow).
When I'm off tanking, 8/8 T2, 2 hit, and heavy ring. Nef you need heavy ring and zg 7 def ring.
The set is really good for an up and coming warrior whos guild roster may be a bit smaller and lives in zg and is unlucky in their MC runs.