Thrashing wrote:Overall it's good, but there's some choices I disagree with.
First of all, I would pick 2/5 in Deflection instead of Improved Heroic strike. You will rarely use Heroic Strike in PvP.
Second, I would drop Improved Charge and pick 2/3 Improved Hamstring instead. The increased rage gain isn't necessarily bad, but a 10% chance for a 5 second root can be extremely useful when peeling or going after a flag carrier.
Lastly, I would drop Unbridled Wrath in the Fury tree and swap those 5 points to Booming Voice. Unbridled Wrath won't have a gamechanging effect when using a 2-handed weapon. A 40% chance to gain 1 additional rage when using a 3.5 to 3.8 speed weapon (most likely) does not beat the increased area of effect on demoralizing shout which can be extremely useful to get Rogues out of stealth. A 3 minute duration Battleshout is also very useful in PvP because you won't find the time to rebuff it as often as you do in PvE.
Thus, you'd end up with the following spec: ... 5c0104005x
Edit: Regarding weapon choices:
Axe is, in my opinion, the best overall choice with the 5% extra crit.
Sword comes second, but is in my opinion generally more fun. It's a matter of taste, or a matter of who you face.
Mace comes third by a landslide. A random stun isn't something a Warrior is holding his breath for, especially since it can screw up the deminishing returns with charge and intercept.
Mace stun if working properly on here shouldn't be tied to on command stuns like charge and intercept
Never been a huge fan of improved hamstring, but if you can generate enough rage off of your initial charge & AA swing to trigger sweeping strikes you might as well chuck the points in there. Everything else I'd agree with.