by milliondollar » Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:23 pm
I will try to explain this easy:
1. Arms; best pvp spec by far with current gear, best for leveling with survability and more aoe dmg on the mobs when you reach swedping strikes ( need to upgrade your 2H weapon yo)
2. Fury; propably one of the strongest build for singld target dps in whole content. Not too good for leveling need some gear to classic 17/34/0 to shine. Best option after lvl 60 and pre raid bis farm is done.
3. Prot; tank, tank and tank. Horrible to level instead of instances atleast 30+. But! Even if you want to play dps 55+ and raids i suggest you spec to basic 5 man prot spec. That will give you your gear faster (tanks are always in high demand) and every warrior who want's to dps in raids or even in 5-mans should have the knowledge how to tank.
Edit: noticed you wanted to be tank in the end; level arms you can easily to tank everything in arms before raids and even MC in arms swap prot around 55+ to farm your gear you will be wanted to every dungeon you are willing to go
Conclusion: Arms for leveling, prot for farming gear in 5 mans, fury to make those rogues mad about your raid dps