Nagaflex wrote:wiseoldenemy wrote:Can you tell me more about how to kill frost mages, like when to use reflector/net, what abilities to use when you close distance, stuff like that.
What i like to do vs a mage is charge but don't attack so you don't get the slow, and they will probably blink but if they are retarded enough they'll frost nova so you just trinket that and start attacking with hamstring. Once they blink you can safely use intercept and hamstring to close the gap. (Never attack when charging because they will blink 95% of the time and you don't want the slow). If their frost nova is on cd you can just charge and intercept after the blink. Also, a lot of mages on this server are tryhard and try to play like vurtne so they will use bombs or helm but you can easily counter that with berserker rage.
Always keep a couple of free action potions at hand but be careful because if they're not shit they will sheep you and goodbye fap. I'm a pve hero so I pvp with fury spec and i feel comfortable using skull of impending doom to break it for the free heals, but if you're arms your best bet is to interrupt the sheep instead of breaking it. Also if they have ice block you're fucked so what you might want to do is run away, bandage and wait for charge to be up again or mount up and run kek.
When charging a mage try to be at max range because they can couterspell you and if you're dumb you will stand there like a fool so what you want to do then is run away and wait to drop combat. If they are stupid they'll blink towards you and you can then bloodrage/intercept and trinket the frost nova asap.
If you have engineering it's another story because you can then use the helm or bomb after the frost nova. Most of the time when you popped your charge and intercept and you're stuck in frost nova mages will get confident and will start to cast a long frostbolt which makes them very easy to bomb at that point, and if you hamstringed the mage after the intercept you might not even need to trinket to get back to him because he will have wasted a lot of time getting out of range. Or better yet you can wait for him to pop all his cds for that dank ass frostbolt crit and pop the reflector at the last second.
When i'm omw to a dungeon and there's that shit mage trying to gank and make that dank vurtnelike wpvp video or get r14 with gray kills i don't mind popping the fap+recklessness just to be done with it. Sometimes they are so confident playing vs a warrior they won't even think about iceblock.
Vs any good mage however you're pretty much fucked but thankfully 98% of the mages are shit.
thanks for that. I'm actually planning on doing fury PvP, I don't like arms to much. I also have engineering at max possible for my level so thats nice.
My usual plan in the most ideal situation would be to charge and not attack like you said (never knew about that) then use intimidating shout after nova. Then just walk up to him when nova is over and start dps with a hamstring, and if he blinks go for the intercept. At this point maybe he will iceblock so I will stay out of range, hope my charge is up, if not I will stay 11 yards in case next ice nova. If I get hit by ice nova I would trinket it and then run up and hamstring, dps. Always watching for poly to interupt. when he blinks my intercept should be up cause 15 sec CD, and if at that point I get caught in a nova I still have reflector/Gnomish net-o-matic. Otherwise I shouldn't and I probably would finish him off by then with sick Fury dps lol.