by westlee » Thu May 21, 2015 11:23 am
Hey Folks just wanted to add my 2c on this topic!
Although having the right spec is very important, having good tactics and using the spec properly is equally as important, thankfully, Arms has the right tools to utilize some pretty fast leveling tactics, specifically when you unlock sweeping strikes at level 30, and whirlwind at level 36. (Mortal strike is pretty good but not as significant as these 2 abilities)
The arms suggestions on this thread seem to be inline with what i'm talking about here - improved overpower is spectacular... Impale and deep wounds are nice and of course you need tactical mastery to perform proper stance dance rotations!
simple 2 mob strategy: CHARGE>swing>sweeping strikes>zerker stance>zerker rage>whirlwind...
If you have access rage you can cleave... Cleave and Whirlwind will sweep both attacks that hit the mobs, make sure you have a gun to pulll the other mob if it is far away..
Thought i'd share this somewhat simple tactic with you,