The Warrior Leveling

Re: The Warrior Leveling

by Tinvarse » Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:16 am

The only reason I would consider going Fury is for bloodthirst, but thats at level 40. Going arms seems like best option for me since I do want to tank dungeons + solo/dps. Bonuses for arms: Stance dance, impale, improve heroic strike, improved overpower, and 2h weapon specialization - and this is all before Mortal Strike even. You get a lot of bonuses for both going prot or solo'ing arms in the tree.

Leveling prot is completely viable, but like he said, it's extremely slow compared to fury/arms.
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Re: The Warrior Leveling

by snowtime » Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:01 am

Tinvarse wrote: Going arms seems like best option for me since I do want to tank dungeons + solo/dps.

I find fury tanking to be better than arms for leveling dungeons. I miss out on stance dancing but i'm so rage starved that i can barely abuse it anyway.

Piercing Howl is amazing and you do get a lot more rage as fury with the extra crit chance and extra damage for when you get crit.

Re: The Warrior Leveling

by Tinvarse » Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:50 pm

snowtime wrote:
Tinvarse wrote: Going arms seems like best option for me since I do want to tank dungeons + solo/dps.

I find fury tanking to be better than arms for leveling dungeons. I miss out on stance dancing but i'm so rage starved that i can barely abuse it anyway.

Piercing Howl is amazing and you do get a lot more rage as fury with the extra crit chance and extra damage for when you get crit.

Piercing Howl? for Pve tanking? That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, lol.

So, if you don't stance dance, do you not use charge?
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Re: The Warrior Leveling

by Lirumlarum » Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:39 am

When is the rage generation going to be better anyway? I hear everyone talking about it but word on the streets is that it's a myth.

Re: The Warrior Leveling

by Milton » Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:31 pm

Tinvarse wrote:Piercing Howl? for Pve tanking? That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, lol.

Why would it be? Maybe you're thinking of intimidating shout? Piercing howl is just an AoE snare

Lirumlarum wrote:When is the rage generation going to be better anyway? I hear everyone talking about it but word on the streets is that it's a myth.

It would help a lot if we didn't lose rage when block/dodged/parried.

Re: The Warrior Leveling

by westlee » Thu May 21, 2015 11:23 am

Hey Folks just wanted to add my 2c on this topic!

Although having the right spec is very important, having good tactics and using the spec properly is equally as important, thankfully, Arms has the right tools to utilize some pretty fast leveling tactics, specifically when you unlock sweeping strikes at level 30, and whirlwind at level 36. (Mortal strike is pretty good but not as significant as these 2 abilities)

The arms suggestions on this thread seem to be inline with what i'm talking about here - improved overpower is spectacular... Impale and deep wounds are nice and of course you need tactical mastery to perform proper stance dance rotations!

simple 2 mob strategy: CHARGE>swing>sweeping strikes>zerker stance>zerker rage>whirlwind...
If you have access rage you can cleave... Cleave and Whirlwind will sweep both attacks that hit the mobs, make sure you have a gun to pulll the other mob if it is far away..

Thought i'd share this somewhat simple tactic with you,



Re: The Warrior Leveling

by SuperDuck » Thu May 21, 2015 1:19 pm

Tinvarse wrote:Piercing Howl? for Pve tanking? That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, lol.

Its great for kiting packs of mobs you already established enough threat to keep aggro on when the healer runs out of mana. Which happens somewhat frequently when levelling as most healers are dps spec with very little int gear.

Re: The Warrior Leveling

by Proudrasil » Thu May 21, 2015 6:09 pm

SuperDuck wrote:
Tinvarse wrote:Piercing Howl? for Pve tanking? That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, lol.

Its great for kiting packs of mobs you already established enough threat to keep aggro on when the healer runs out of mana. Which happens somewhat frequently when levelling as most healers are dps spec with very little int gear.

Piercing Howl is the best defensive ability you have if your threat is up to par. It takes a bit of creativity, but I've saved many groups from wiping by howl kiting when an extra group got pulled or the healer ran out of mana. It's great, you just need to put more thought into it than SUNDAR AM GOOD TANK SKILL!


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