Hi! I've noticed while starting to level that having macros would be neat, but the info is scattered about how macros work on Nostalrius, leading to much confusion on my poor heads part.
Macros im looking for right now as lvl 13 warrior going to leveling ..
Warrior macros
* Swapping weapon(s) to 1h + shield
* If in stance 1, cast spell X, if in stance 2, cast spell Y, if in stance 3, cast spell C
* Check what stance you are in, if in wrong stance for the skill, swap stance to right stance, then with spamming the macro cast the skill if in right stance.
* Casting bloodrage, cast Battle shout, cancel bloodrage to get ouf of combat (With 1 click or spamming the button).
* Zerk stance into the combat charge which name i cannot remember right now, intercept?
* 1 button spam Find herbalism / find minerals, so i could bind it to mousewheel instead of clicking 2 buttons to find the loots.
* Bandage self without targetting / losing current target.
* Maybe Cannibalize, if there is no target for it use bandage on self?
Thanks in advance!