Arms vs. Fury question

Arms vs. Fury question

by LeonusStarwalker » Fri May 29, 2015 9:28 pm

I have heard that back in retail classic, Arms was the perferred dps spec due to 2 handed weapons being more efficient early in the expansion, whereas Fury became stronger later on due to the weapons being rebalanced. Is this patch in effect on here, and if not, which patch would it be coming in?

Re: Arms vs. Fury question

by kiklion » Sat May 30, 2015 1:22 am

2H or DW, fury is better PvE dps than arms. 30% increased white dps for 3 swings after a crit, death wish, and bloodthirst is just better than MS, 2H spec, axe/sword spec.

According to my guildmates (im prot) pre-raid BiS is DW. While raiding, if you don't get 1 handers or if they go to rogues, 2H fury can be better than DW. For instance, if you get bone reaver's edge and have the choice between that and dal'rend's set, 2H is better.

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