This is a question i've started to ask myself alot lately, considering the cost and timesink to get the
bars or the gold required to attain it. The dps is 3 more then Dreadforge, which is free and easy to
get from Emperor, and it "only" has 30more AP which is 15 str, while Dreadforge has parry and crit.
The main reason why i've started wondering about it is Lionheart Helm and Titanic Leggings, if you
got connections you can get all mats free except the Arcanite, and if you skip the AR and go for
the Lionheart+Titanic Leggings, you have to spend 4 more bars which takes 1 day to get if you are
lucky with mining... Just yesterday i had a guildfriend get me 20+ Enchanted Thorium and there's more
to come from that source. Enchanted leather is the hardest to get except Arcanite.
And this is also from a speed-point of view how long it will take to gear up for raid-dps.
If you spend those 20 bars for Arcanite Reaper, you're gaining 3 dps and it might take a LOOONG time
until you get loot which equals Lionheart and Titanic Leggings, so then how much dps did you really gain.
I know alot of warriors looks at the AR as a "prestige" weapon... but i dont' give 2 shits about prestige,
its all about increasing effectiveness as much as possible, fastest way possible.
What's your opinion or thoughts about this?.