Fury level 60 raiding build?

Fury level 60 raiding build?

by Cloudborn » Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:31 am

Hi! I'm new to warrior and have no idea what to spec for fury at level 60 for raiding. If someone could give me a link to a cookie-cuter end game raiding spec that would be great!


Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by Gazpy » Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:38 am

you can move some talents somewhere else, but this is just classic cookie cutter.
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Sergeant Major
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Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by Cloudborn » Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:39 am

Thank you!!

Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by aprilane » Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:44 am

the cleave talents are useless. most raid encounters require you to not use cleave and in reality you only double the cleave "bonus" damage so its basically nothing. either fill out the battle shout or put 4 into that and 1 into piercing howl for utility. Also not certain but i dont htink u can use implale since bleed would take up a debuf slot

Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by Gazpy » Sun Jun 14, 2015 11:46 am

aprilane wrote:the cleave talents are useless. most raid encounters require you to not use cleave and in reality you only double the cleave "bonus" damage so its basically nothing. either fill out the battle shout or put 4 into that and 1 into piercing howl for utility. Also not certain but i dont htink u can use implale since bleed would take up a debuf slot

not completely useless as you will have threat issues most of the time and cleave is good dps ability (which does not cause bonus threat like HS) even on 1 mob.(cleave > WW)
I had constant threat issues as alliance with salvation and tanks being good tanks with TF, unless they gone for full threat gear.
Oh my good dog!
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by Pureless » Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:50 pm

Gazpy wrote:
aprilane wrote:the cleave talents are useless. most raid encounters require you to not use cleave and in reality you only double the cleave "bonus" damage so its basically nothing. either fill out the battle shout or put 4 into that and 1 into piercing howl for utility. Also not certain but i dont htink u can use implale since bleed would take up a debuf slot

not completely useless as you will have threat issues most of the time and cleave is good dps ability (which does not cause bonus threat like HS) even on 1 mob.(cleave > WW)
I had constant threat issues as alliance with salvation and tanks being good tanks with TF, unless they gone for full threat gear.

Like he said, Imp Cleave definitely is nearly a requirement for a solid fury build. You can still use HS in a raid, but i'd save it till the last half of the fight if not later. If you're not good dps, its irrelevant. However if you're a solid player and can pull top3 dps, spamming HS is unquestionably going to get you killed and possibly even wipe the raid. Imp Cleave increases cleave damage to nearly as much as HS without the ridiculous amount of extra threat.

Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by Ektelion » Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:30 pm

Gazpy wrote:http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#LhGbbhbZVVhMgxoVo
you can move some talents somewhere else, but this is just classic cookie cutter.

2/2 charge? 2/5 tactical mastery? why?


this is the best build, ofc u can take off 1 point from battle shout for piercing howl, but if you wanna top top dps, even that 5% counts
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Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by osa » Tue Jul 07, 2015 4:26 pm

Gazpy wrote:not completely useless as you will have threat issues most of the time and cleave is good dps ability (which does not cause bonus threat like HS) even on 1 mob.(cleave > WW)
I had constant threat issues as alliance with salvation and tanks being good tanks with TF, unless they gone for full threat gear.

i'm on horde side (warrior tank) and i dont have any problem with threat generation even without Windfury (atm bug) and my warrrior Dps are some of the Top(furydps) so i think your Threat problem is come more from your tank (talents/gameplay) than your talents :D
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Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by Badtank » Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:45 am

osa wrote:
Gazpy wrote:not completely useless as you will have threat issues most of the time and cleave is good dps ability (which does not cause bonus threat like HS) even on 1 mob.(cleave > WW)
I had constant threat issues as alliance with salvation and tanks being good tanks with TF, unless they gone for full threat gear.

i'm on horde side (warrior tank) and i dont have any problem with threat generation even without Windfury (atm bug) and my warrrior Dps are some of the Top(furydps) so i think your Threat problem is come more from your tank (talents/gameplay) than your talents :D

There not top DPS on the server if their not riding your ass. lmao. Fury will always have threat issues, forever. There is a reason our threat reset is known as leveling a warlock.
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Re: Fury level 60 raiding build?

by St0rfan » Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:05 am

Gazpy wrote:http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#LhGbbhbZVVhMgxoVo
you can move some talents somewhere else, but this is just classic cookie cutter.

1. One of the main reasons you bring a fury to raid is BattleShout. I would argue that 5/5 battleshout for the rogues is more important to raid DPS than your personal preference to putting points in cleave. No raid leader in their right mind would bring a fury warrior that isnt buffing 5/5 Battleshout. The only situation I would think of is having one fury in the raid with 1/1 piercing howl and thus only going 4/5 Battleshout.

2. 2/2 charge is a waste. Zero use in boss encounters and even if you have (some) use for it on trash, you still have to change stance after charging, loosing the rage gained from that very same charge. 5/5 Tac mastery is mandatory for fury since you are expected to stance-dance for Thunderclap, Demoshout, Overpower and various other abilities aswell.

This is the true, only cookie-cutter fury raid-build:
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