Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Shonem » Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:13 pm

Questing has been a breeze with fury, but dungeons are a pain.
Been trying to snag a ZF or Uldaman group for 2 days now and I keep getting kicked without so much as a warning.
Took a few whispers to get one guy to even reply to say he kicked me out.

I guess all the warriors doing tanking are expecting to be unchallenged for the dps plate gear in places.
I know from experience that leveling as protection is about the most boring thing in world of warcraft aside from leveling mining.
Is it still worth it to at least try and tank fury, or to respec prot?

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by sydars » Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:12 pm

I've had a hard time finding ZF groups as well. I've found that usually the person organizing the group is a prot Warrior super concerned about loot. The last run I did I pretty much had to convince the leader (Blitzkrieg) that I didn't give a crap about loot and just wanted to finish quests for leveling. He did the first boss, looted the sword he needed so he could craft the super crappy 2H and proceeded to run out. When questioned he said some joke comment about mom grounding him and left. Nobody got to complete a single quest.

Anyhow, I agree that it seems like a lot of folks are paranoid about loot in LFG. For leveling dungeons like ZF (unless you're a twink or something), I don't see the point of being paranoid as the gear will quickly be replaced by quests or future dungeons. Also, as a Warrior you have the opportunity to pick up Whirlwind Axe at level 30. This axe will last you easily to 50 and even with crappy gear you will pull your weight DPS-wise in dungeons.

So, I guess this is a notice to the loot paranoid people, especially Warriors. Why worry about loot at the leveling stage? Enjoy the leveling XP, roll on some loot and win or lose, keep plowing ahead. Or be like Blitzkrieg, waste a ton of time (he said he ran something around 50 ZF runs) on not only crap loot but something that will easily be replaced...and take forever to reach 60.

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by SuperDuck » Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:14 pm

You dont need to be prot to tank, just step up your game and tank if you want groups.

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by vido » Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:21 pm

There's a countless amount of people out there spamming world chat LF Tank for potentially hours on end. Refusing to tank in a 5man could therefore lead to a bit of disappointment from your party members and you really shouldn't be so surprised when you get kicked.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by deaddonkey » Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:34 pm

For levelling, yeah, you're probably best to prepare to tank instances. I want to play DPS but I don't expect to get to in dungeons - if we don't have a tank I'm not looking for one, I'm doing it, and after I've taken on that role I wouldn't want other plate wearers taking my gear anyway.

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by norm964bgb » Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:54 am

My tankgear is consisting of: sword and board.
Some gear and that I found along my way with +stam. Thats it.
Basically you only need sword and board and you are good to go to tank the dungeon and claim all DPS/tank gear for your warrior. Piece of cake.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Guybrush » Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:18 am

99% of tanks in low level dungeons are either fury or arms.
Why should they share the gear with someone who's too lazy to tank, while they do all the work?
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Whiskra » Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:45 pm

If you are a lowbie warrior looking for a dungeon group, I'd expect you to tank it regardless of spec, unless there is another warrior/paladin/druid doing that job for you. A "dps" warrior on that level is kinda useless compared to other classes.

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by sydars » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:45 pm

Guybrush wrote:99% of tanks in low level dungeons are either fury or arms.
Why should they share the gear with someone who's too lazy to tank, while they do all the work?

Again, why do people care about loot in low level dungeons? It's going to quickly get replaced. A lot of plate is good for tank and DPS roles in low level dungeons, both have a right to roll. Also, for every one person too lazy to tank there's a tank who doesn't know what they're doing. Ultimately it's a wash. If you can use it, roll. If it's a BiS pre-raid tank-specific item, that's another story.

Whiskra wrote:If you are a lowbie warrior looking for a dungeon group, I'd expect you to tank it regardless of spec, unless there is another warrior/paladin/druid doing that job for you. A "dps" warrior on that level is kinda useless compared to other classes.

DPS Warriors are not useless and can provide a lot of utility. Sure, it would be ideal for a class that can tank to tank, but your statement is totally false. Run with a really crappy tank and you might be thankful mobs are beating on another plate-wearer instead of destroying everyone else. I've been in groups that survived a lot of stupid pulls because a plate-wearer could effectively off-tank and keep crap off the healer.

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Slamtown » Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:56 pm

Well I just tank as arms, and I hate tanking dungeons. And if im going to have to suffer and be a tank im not going to get another warrior to come take my gear. Just tank in dungeons and go arms/fury while questing.


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