Both your spec and the one that St0rfan posted are fine.
Personally I wouldn't go with impale until I had better gear but it's really situational. If your usually running instances with your guild and you know the healers have decent gear then you don't have to worry about mitigation as much so impale is probably fine. On the other hand, if you are doing a lot of pugs and might need to carry the group some times, then I'd def skip impale for the extra utility that more points in prot brings (imp sunder to help deal with low-rage situations, max mitigation talents like toughness, maybe even imp disarm).
Oh and while your gear sucks, don't forget to use all your abilities. Disarm is often overlooked because it's not needed on raid trash and bosses are immune (or don't have weapons). It's on a relatively short cooldown and it can help a TON, especially in those oh-shit we pulled 2 packs situations.
Once you have a bit better gear, tanking as fury is actually really good in 5mans assuming that you pick up Piercing Howl. If your group is decent you can survive some REALLY bad situations just by spamming piercing howl and letting the healer kite everything.
BRD is a great place to start. You should be fine doing scholo and strat live/UD if your healer has decent gear and you bring some CC. Your def/armor is ok but your HP is low, 12stam food buffs are pretty cheap and easy to farm in the mean time. is also cheap. have a 50% chance to drop off a boss in uldaman only requires rank 3, you can easily get that in 1 week with ~20k honor