So i have a lot of experience leveling warriors on Vanilla retail. Two to max, and three to about 30-40.
There is a big problem with the rage generation mechanism. Rage starvation in real. It mostly noticed in dungeons where i have loads of experience remembering the way it worked.
On Nostalrius i am not gaining extra rage for being crit by a mob, it remains to be 1 per hit taken, but it is supposed to scale with the amount of health you're losing.
Back in the day i remember gaining huge rage tanking when i was undergeared and taking loads of hits and crits. Now, i am almost always rage starved in situations where i would otherwise have plenty of rage. It has gotten to a point where it's frustrating to play when i can notice that one of the key components of the class is not working properly. This is likely linked to the bug with critters not providing any health whatsoever.
Any word on if the devs know about this? To me, it would be similar to if the 5 second rule wasn't working properly/was an 8 second rule instead. It makes fighting in PvP as well as Tanking to be merely a battle of generating enough rage, while it was never his bad in retail.