So at the moment i'm an arms warrior and it seems even with immense knowledge of warriors and some experience on retail. Infact I still have and play my warrior that I created in vanilla and it was also my first character.
But I have to ask incase i've forgotten...
It gets better soon right leveling that is?
Let me first start by saying im not complaining, I understand that vanilla is a great deal harder than current WoW. The thing i'm asking is obv I just started here, I know warriors are gear dependant more so than most classes.
I can't pull moer than 1 thing without getting rekt. Like...If I pull 2 things even with a shield on and in def stance or out of def stance I can't survive them 99% of the time. Hell im 18 and if i pull two lvl 16 things I'm dead for sure.
Please other than needing to perhaps upgrade my gear, tell me what do I need to do to make this easier. I've got potions I've got first aid and i've got food.
I might just roll a hunter and ez-lvl if I could stand the start areas on alliance other than human.
Help me my brothers with advice.