I know the equation to determine your crit cap is
White crit cap:
100% - 27% miss - 8% dodge - 40% glance + your hit%
Yellow crit cap:
100% - 8% miss - 8% dodge + your hit%
My question is how much do you fury's worry about being under the white crit cap? I want to be able to advise my fury warriors on gear balancing but I have never played a dps roll before.
What order of operations do you guys use to find your best gear/consumable ratio?
I assume you would stack world buffs and consumables first then simply adjust gear to have as much AP as possible while still being crit cap?
If you are trying to conserve gold on farmed content would it make sense to stack world buffs then adjust gear to be at crit cap? This would allow you to forgo some potions like mongoose assuming you don't have more AP gear to swap in.
When if ever does it make since to go over the white crit cap at the expense of AP? I realize this is a waste of crit on white hits but Yellow ones still make up a large ammount of your dps assuming you have the rage to maintain it.
Do fights like Vael change how you gear since you can assume you will have mostly yellow hits?