How much do racials matter for endgame warrior tanking?

Re: How much do racials matter for endgame warrior tanking?

by Cfred » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:52 pm

Far as being Tauren I did not see a significant in the 5% till Naxx. But was helpful. And warstomp is fu king awesome.
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Re: How much do racials matter for endgame warrior tanking?

by konked » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:51 pm

Do i want 5%hp + warstomp OR do i want bloodfury + 25% stun resist....
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Re: How much do racials matter for endgame warrior tanking?

by Armilus » Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:16 pm

Bloodfury reduces healing, it is probably the worst racial in the game for a tank.
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Re: How much do racials matter for endgame warrior tanking?

by Plask » Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:25 am

Zetox wrote:Np. Yep I definitely can see a distinction between Miss % on SS and Revenge but wasn't testing for that specifically so not enough iterations. I'll edit this post once I can do more.

Edit: with 100 Hit Iteration attacks each for Shield Slam & Revenge. Values might vary within server here but this was 20min of testing.

300 Skill -
Shield Slam: 10.7% miss
Revenge 10% miss

305 Skill
Shield Slam: 7.4% miss
Revenge: 4.8% miss

Also keep in mind that Tier 3 6piece makes that hit for humans useless as the bonus gives 5% to hit with Sunder, Revenge, Shield and Heroic Strike by 5%.

I think this test is inaccurate due to only 100 hits being done. 5 weapon skill should result in 0,2% more hit, not what we see here. And well, if Nostalrius got it right that's more likely aswell.
Sidesprang wrote:Defcap is overrated at current state of the game.
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Re: How much do racials matter for endgame warrior tanking?

by Dessel » Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:42 am

It matters none. Good shield block usage, good gear and good healers are all that matters in the world of vanilla. The only ones who should consider PvE racials are dwarf priests and tryhard melee (human sword spec).
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Re: How much do racials matter for endgame warrior tanking?

by ironsides » Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:38 am

troll warriors best endgame tanks
Shoot for the moon, and if you miss you'll hit the stars <3
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Re: How much do racials matter for endgame warrior tanking?

by Ardeith » Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:42 am

Edit: with 100 Hit Iteration attacks each for Shield Slam & Revenge. Values might vary within server here but this was 20min of testing.

300 Skill -
Shield Slam: 10.7% miss
Revenge 10% miss

305 Skill
Shield Slam: 7.4% miss
Revenge: 4.8% miss

Also keep in mind that Tier 3 6piece makes that hit for humans useless as the bonus gives 5% to hit with Sunder, Revenge, Shield and Heroic Strike by 5%.

You still miss 1 % in 9/9 T3 ! Which is probably on a cloak or something x)

Thanks for testing, 100 hit is indead not enought for a reliable data, still it shows a notable diminution of miss chance.

I think this test is inaccurate due to only 100 hits being done. 5 weapon skill should result in 0,2% more hit, not what we see here. And well, if Nostalrius got it right that's more likely aswell.

We expected to see 3% less miss, not 0.2%.

Re: How much do racials matter for endgame warrior tanking?

by Plask » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:19 am

The base chance for your attack to miss the mob is 5% - (Weapon Skill - Defense Skill) * 0.04%.
The base chance for your attack to be a critical strike is 5% + (Weapon Skill - Defense Skill) * 0.04%.
The base chance for your attack to be dodged by the mob is 5% - (Weapon Skill - Defense Skill) * 0.04%.
The base chance for your attack to be parried by the mob is 5% - (Weapon Skill - Defense Skill) * 0.04%.
The base chance for your attack to be blocked by the mob is 5% - (Weapon Skill - Defense Skill) * 0.04%.

Quoted from WoWwiki pre patch 2.0.1.

When it comes to hit chance weapon skill works the same way as defense but reverse.

Your probably thinking about TBC weapon skill rates, where it was higher then 0,04%.
Sidesprang wrote:Defcap is overrated at current state of the game.
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Re: How much do racials matter for endgame warrior tanking?

by Undertanker » Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:27 pm

T3 has 3% to hit. 2% on chest, 1% on shoulders. And it is not useless to have more. As a tank, you rarely get to tank if your BiS set. You are always having to put resistance gear on on different old tier items to have purposeful resistance gear on. (T1 gloves have 1% hit btw) No T2 has hit.

Now for the 0.02% people. You used to have me brain washed but then I did my own homework.

Patch 1.12.1 has a keyword a lot of people are missing. After some math, +5 sword skill is huge. The key word is EXCEEDS.

If your weapon skill EXCEEDS the mob's Defense skill:The base chance for your attack to miss the mob is 5% - (Weapon Skill - Defense Skill) * 0.04%.
The base chance for your attack to be a critical strike is 5% + (Weapon Skill - Defense Skill) * 0.04%.
The base chance for your attack to dodged by the mob is 5% - (Weapon Skill - Defense Skill) * 0.04%.
The base chance for your attack to be parried by the mob is 5% - (Weapon Skill - Defense Skill) * 0.04%.
The base chance for your attack to be blocked by the mob is 5% - (Weapon Skill - Defense Skill) * 0.04%

On a boss I will not exceed. Seems most threads are missing the point. We do not exceed a boss (lvl63) so those numbers are only coming into play when we are killing stuff lower level than us. This is factored in to keep us from having 100% crit rate on lower lvl stuff.

Now with any other class but human using sword, you are 300 skill, their DEF is 315. So you have to look at the formulas for when you are below the enemy DEF, not EXCEEDS.Read this: see some math for a lvl 80 and lvl 70 but it is the same for 60)Pretty much with the formula of below skill level, your base chance to miss is 8% with specials and one handed weapon white hits. (not duel-wield). If you get your skill to 305 against the enemy 315, making it 10 difference, you have a 2% chance more of hitting.

But the formula tapers off after this, so if you get Maladath (+4) or Hungering Cold (+6) let's just round this to +5. You are now at 310 skill. Against the 315 def. You get about another .5% chance to hit. Putting you at almost 3%. When you factor in the tier bonus of T3 6 of 8, this will put you at taunt, revenge, heroic strike, sunder armor, challenging shout and shield slam .5% away from hit cap without having to get +hit gear.For melee: factor in the reduced damage of glancing blows of 3% per skill point ( approx. ) not bad at all.
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Re: How much do racials matter for endgame warrior tanking?

by Grave » Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:21 pm

For Horde - it's clearly Tauren for the extra health. Orc if you might consider changing to DPS.
Alliance, like mentioned above - the only advantage of being Human as a tank is the easier rep grinds (thorium brotherhood for example), the sword skill is not great as you'll be mostly using daggers for TPS, and if you did use swords, you'd be spamming HS for every swing anyway. Rerolling to DPS option also for Humans if you're unsure. Night Elf remains the best option (consistent avoidance + NR). Dwarf is not too bad, but Stoneform is a CD afterall, can rely on it once per fight.

Personally, if I roll Horde it's Tauren and NE if Alliance. I don't have any lingering considerations of going DPS, so neither Orc, nor Human apply.
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