westlee wrote:Nowitzki41 wrote:Yo, I didn't want to make a new thread, so I'll just ask in here if that's cool..
so I'm level 41, and I wanted to know how my spec should look like. I'm using whirlwind axe atm. I've been arms all the way, but I put points previously into rend for the lower levels but now, I dont even use that spell at all which makes it a waste of points. So if you guys can give me some suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate it.
BTW, I like to do world pvp as I level as well as tank instances.
You must consider rend is a prereq of deep wounds and impale so it's essential to put points into, doesn't mean you USE rend for anything outside of PvP..
http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#LMhxdAio0kz is pretty good, 1/3 imp hamstring probably better than 1/2 imp charge for PvP has a small amount of utility... All other points are pretty much essential.
http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#LMhxdAio0kE0zm0x is your level 60 spec but you can respec for prot or fury if you have the gear for it, but if you still want to PvP arms is the way to go.
Awesome man.. looks good.