Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Aggronaught » Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:33 pm

sydars wrote:
Guybrush wrote:99% of tanks in low level dungeons are either fury or arms.
Why should they share the gear with someone who's too lazy to tank, while they do all the work?

Again, why do people care about loot in low level dungeons? It's going to quickly get replaced. A lot of plate is good for tank and DPS roles in low level dungeons, both have a right to roll. Also, for every one person too lazy to tank there's a tank who doesn't know what they're doing. Ultimately it's a wash. If you can use it, roll. If it's a BiS pre-raid tank-specific item, that's another story.

Whiskra wrote:If you are a lowbie warrior looking for a dungeon group, I'd expect you to tank it regardless of spec, unless there is another warrior/paladin/druid doing that job for you. A "dps" warrior on that level is kinda useless compared to other classes.

DPS Warriors are not useless and can provide a lot of utility. Sure, it would be ideal for a class that can tank to tank, but your statement is totally false. Run with a really crappy tank and you might be thankful mobs are beating on another plate-wearer instead of destroying everyone else. I've been in groups that survived a lot of stupid pulls because a plate-wearer could effectively off-tank and keep crap off the healer.

Well if you know so much more, why don't you just tank ? I ranked all my dungeons as arms till 60. I would do it again, will never invite a warrior too lazy to tank and just want to roll on loot. Loot is important when levelling too, it makes questing/pvp that much easier with dungeon blues, regardless of it being useless at 60. Man up and learn to tank or quit complaining. There are tons of groups looking for tank.
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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by durabigael » Sat Jun 20, 2015 5:30 pm

Like they said ... you can tank even as arms or fury. Just need a shield and a one handed. Maybe a few def gear can make it easier but its not mandatory.

Tank are needed all the time. Its the same thing to hear shadow priest that dont step up after the healer because he is not that kind of priest ..... My god i would kick those priest out of my group.

That Vanila wow , until raiding everyone can multi task. Feral Cat Druid can tank , balance druid can heal , shadow priest can heal , elemental shamy can heal, ret paly can tank .... you see the point.

Is that gonna be harder , of course. Is that doable , Of course.

I remember playing Vanila with 3 RL friend of mine + 1 guildie . Our team ..... 1 Paladin , 2 Lock , 1 Rogue and 1 Mage.

Our paladin was Tanking and healing Himself in Live Strat . We were not in epic gear , Mostly all in Lieutenant and commader gear , Blue Pvp gear , a little bit of epic but not that many. A lot of CC a few fear and destroying 1 target at the time.

When the shit was hitting the fan I was using searing pain to get the aggro for a while and I had my SS on myself planning to sacrifice myself if it was happening. Lock were really good to tank caster.

a lot of option is available on vanila wow

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by winfernal » Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:36 am

I was arms while leveling, and i always tanked. If you are a leveling warrior... tank. Boring? This is vanilla, do your job as a leveling warrior. Tank!
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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Solmyr » Mon Jun 22, 2015 8:55 am

As a fury warrior, I'd rather be the tank in a dungeon group than the dps, even tho I like dpsing. Reason - I don't trust that any other tank will be able to hold my aggro, and since I can hold everybody's aggro with <20 apm required, I can even watch streams 'n shit while tanking dungeons. I can't do that as dps, dpsing requires much more focus and apm (from melee classes).

tl;dr - tanking is easier than dps in 5-mans, if you disagree l2p.
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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Aggronaught » Mon Jun 22, 2015 2:39 pm

Solmyr wrote:As a fury warrior, I'd rather be the tank in a dungeon group than the dps, even tho I like dpsing. Reason - I don't trust that any other tank will be able to hold my aggro, and since I can hold everybody's aggro with <20 apm required, I can even watch streams 'n shit while tanking dungeons. I can't do that as dps, dpsing requires much more focus and apm (from melee classes).

tl;dr - tanking is easier than dps in 5-mans, if you disagree l2p.

Raid tanking is even easier than 5 man tanking..but talking about APM in vanilla wow warrants epic lulz..2/10.
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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by JeeTee » Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:21 am

Weird, its almost like your playing the most gear dependent spec in the game and nobody wants it when its not geared....
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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Solmyr » Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:32 am

Aggronaught wrote:Raid tanking is even easier than 5 man tanking..but talking about APM in vanilla wow warrants epic lulz..2/10.

APM is a major determinant as to whether playing a game would stress or relax you. Playing SC2 on a professional level for 10 hours and WoW for 10 hours are vastly different experiences. Of course I would bring up APM, because it still varies between the different classes in WoW, albeit remaining relatively low for the entire game in comparison to other genres of games. Low APM is a predisposition for a more relaxed gameplay, allowing for side activities.
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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Plask » Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:39 am

JeeTee wrote:Weird, its almost like your playing the most gear dependent spec in the game and nobody wants it when its not geared....

That's because such a huge portion of the playerbase is playing Warriors and Rogues. It's not hard to find a Warrior or Rogue that actually farmed their BiS gear so why would you settle for less?

And yeah, nothing is less needed than a bad geared melee. Deal with it or reroll.
Sidesprang wrote:Defcap is overrated at current state of the game.
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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by JeeTee » Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:02 pm

My bad I forgot sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet... Nobody wants a fury warrior with 0% hit and 10-12% crit. Rogue just does it better than you and no tank wants to share loot with a stubborn dumb ass trying to prove something. At least with arms you could do average dps in shit gear. You really should be tanking if you're doing 5 mans though, otherwise enjoy the extremely long wait finding a tank.
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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Aten » Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:18 am

As an arms warrior I've tanked every 5 man I've done while leveling, I've also been the one to form 95% of the groups. I'll never group another warrior. Why? I'm greedy, and rogues do it better.

You can pretty much tank anything pre-MC as fury or arms. Maybe give tanking a shot.


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