Hello everyone,
I'm leveling my warrior and am reaching 20. Here's a few questions for you professionals, since i leveled as tank in vanilla (yeah, i know...):
-Isn't UB cancelled by your 3.3 second attack rate with most of 2H weapons? Isn't it viable only with double wield?
-Can of like the extra rage from charge in the early levels as well as improved overpower since you get dodged a LOT. Makes me reconsider arm tree for early levels. Especially with that level 30 weapon.
-Speaking of which. Isn't 2H weapon spec + axe spec pretty awesome? You can have them both at 34 (39 if you take 5 critic), which gives a good momento with quest.
-Finally, Dungeron quests give you 2 insane 1H swords at level 40 (one at scarlet, one with the boars). How can we not take that fury dual wield spec at that moment?
Thanks in advance,