Thinking of leveling a Warrior

Re: Thinking of leveling a Warrior

by JeeTee » Fri Sep 25, 2015 5:41 am

A class for masochists especially at 1x rates, rewarded by being ridiculously strong in the highest level gear.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Thinking of leveling a Warrior

by zmandude24 » Fri Sep 25, 2015 5:53 pm

If you enjoy playing a warrior, level one, but don't make one if you are lukewarm since leveling is tough and the raid spots are limited. That doesn't mean there's no chance. I've seen many guilds recruiting fury warriors and occasionally OTs. The only spot that's difficult to get is MT.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Thinking of leveling a Warrior

by varth » Fri Sep 25, 2015 10:53 pm

If you are able to afford better weapons every ~5 levels or so and couple pieces of armor every ~10 its not too bad for leveling.

For pvp warriors can be strong but they are absolutely insane with a pocket healer. A war + paladin or war + priest is just insane because they can dispel slows which are a warriors main downfall
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Thinking of leveling a Warrior

by gotmilk0112 » Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:01 pm

I'm actually finding it rather bearable when fighting mobs 2-3 levels below me. Easy, almost. Most of them die in 4-7 weapon swings, and I don't have to bandage/potion every two mobs.

varth wrote:If you are able to afford better weapons every ~5 levels or so

Currently have an 18 blue 2h and 21 blue 2h waiting for me, and then at 30 I'll get a 60 to help me with getting Whirlwind Axe.

I know that at 51 you can do a single AV and get Ice Barbed Spear, so what weapon should one aim for at 40-45? I'm assuming the 2h axe from the SM quest?
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Thinking of leveling a Warrior

by Alliaria » Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:42 pm

IT is 100% worth it. I mained a warrior in Vanilla, best decision ever. U can be really good in pvp and i just Love arms as a specc. All 3 specs are viable aswell. Thinking of leveling one here aswell!

Re: Thinking of leveling a Warrior

by Undertanker » Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:02 pm

After WW axe you get the axe from SM boss quest. After that, go for tbe 2h sword from ulda. Use that till AV spear.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Thinking of leveling a Warrior

by ElQuacko » Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:26 am

Not sure if there's any point in posting to a 8day old thread but w/e.

I say no. Even though tanking is a lot of fun if done properly (A.k.a. button mashing) and Fury DPS is probably the most enjoyable dps spec in game (seeing those sick crits) as well as absolutely wrecking clothies as arms with a pocket healer, the cost of time and nerves you have to pay leveling 1-60 and pretty much always tanking dungs (since no other tank wants another warrior for gear competition) is too high. Opposing faction members will most of the time try to kill you asap the moment they see you, cause people know how pathetic warriors are alone, thus increasing your /played dramatically. There's also the problem of having absolute idiots in dungs, who keep pulling adds / not following markings and getting aggro and then there's the absolutely fucking worst nightmare / hell on azeroth / fuck this fucking shit ass crap place of a dungeon - Sunken Temple.

But if you've already decided on playing one, know this: levels 10-22 is the pinnacle of hell for warriors(gets a bit better with BFD gear). Every blue you get from quests/boss drops feels very rewarding and will continue to be so till the end. Try to find some other people to level with. When you hit 30 get Whirlwind axe asap (buy the mats from AH/ ask other people to help from guild) it will help you a lot.

Re: Thinking of leveling a Warrior

by Undertanker » Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:00 pm

Tanking is button mashing? This is why ST is your hell on earth. It is not hard, but you have to open with the right abilities for snap aggro aoe pulls.

Easy invites to 5 mans at any time while leveling, again seems to be an issue for you. I enjoy I dont have to be in annoying /world while grinding, yet still get groups becauae of plenty of people will ask you for group.

This guy cant hang so he attemps to discourage others.

Play what you want, and will have the most fun with -this is a game afterall. Everything else is politics. (nothing gold and knowing the right people cant fix)
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Thinking of leveling a Warrior

by flowison » Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:35 pm

i am thinking about leveling a ud warrior. what about their downtimes due the raceskill canabalism?
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Thinking of leveling a Warrior

by gotmilk0112 » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:44 pm

flowison wrote:i am thinking about leveling a ud warrior. what about their downtimes due the raceskill canabalism?

Cannibalism is really no better than a bandage, tbh. I'd argue it's worse, seeing as it only restores 35% health, whereas bandages can easily be 50-60% of your health, if you powerlevel your first aid and use bandages above your current "cloth level". And its cooldown is twice as long. And it only works on humanoids/undead.

You go UD for WOTF, not cannibalize. For Warriors though, WOTF isn't as useful, because you already have berserker rage for an anti-fear cooldown.

As a horde warrior, you should be either Orc for DPS, or Tauren for tanking.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
Stone Guard
Stone Guard


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