8/8 T2 Bug ?

Re: 8/8 T2 Bug ?

by Grave » Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:30 pm

Secarus wrote:The 8/8 bonus is working. When you block you have a 4 % chance to get a buff ("Parry") that increases your parry chance by 100 % (it shows in the spellbook as well).

Since I just got the last piece I can't say if it got fixed recently or has been working since bwl release.

Gz. I've seen the buff pop up now and checked the combat logs at the same time and I did get the parry. So yes, it works.
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Re: 8/8 T2 Bug ?

by TaurenRogue » Sun Nov 15, 2015 1:18 am

osa wrote:i got mine just yesterday

i check for Buff and nothing coming even in the Spellbook i dont get 4%parry ...

we already report the bug ( https://report.nostalrius.org/plugins/tracker/?aid=2725 )

some feedback ?

wrath 8 set: "4% chance to parry the next attack after a block."

as secarus said every block has a 4% chance to give you 100% parry for next hit, not 100% chance on block to get 4% parry...
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