Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

Re: Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

by Judvar » Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:35 pm

Heldunder wrote:
Judvar wrote:respec to arms at 40 for the mortal strike, it's pretty mandatory. I had to eat after every fight at 39, after that i was left with 70% health at worst.

worst advice ever...

the consensus has been fury, or 2h fury is best for leveling. arms is only good if you plan on PVPing A LOT while leveling.

Excuse me sir, according to my experiences 2h fury till 40 -> arms is the best option. Mortal strike is really strong, and you get axe specialization on the way for ww axe/bonebiter. I don't PvP at all while lvling, and doing way better than i was before level 40.
Sofeoras - Night Elf Warrior (PvE realm)
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Re: Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

by Lingon » Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:54 am

Bloodthirst is also really strong, just having an instant attack does that.

However, missing Tactical mastery feels really bad.
I went arms+cruelty to 34, then respecced to fury, and if there's one crucial thing arms has, it's tactical mastery.
From 36 when you have whirlwind, you really want to be able to switch between battle and zerker for overpower/whirlwind at will, not limited by destroying your ragepool (which stays high after a dodge..).

Re: Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

by JeeTee » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:40 am

Always been an arms guy myself. Mortal strike does about 2x the dmg of bloodthirst while leveling. Tactical mastery also allows you to use the class to the fullest. Arms spec offers a much more rounded character while leveling.

This debate will go on and on, so just pick one and be happy. Either one works.
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Re: Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

by Tarasques » Sun Nov 29, 2015 6:51 pm

I think the spec posted by St0rfan is really strong. Will give it a try tonight and let you know how it feels.

Re: Leveling spec for a friend for PvE??

by St0rfan » Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:53 pm

Tarasques wrote:I think the spec posted by St0rfan is really strong. Will give it a try tonight and let you know how it feels.

Why is that?
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