Maximizing Raid Dps Question

Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by vido » Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:20 pm

Thanks for comparing those dps averages on realmplayers, I'm 376 average on my profile so obviously I'm a terrible player and my opinion is worthless.
Sergeant Major
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Juddy » Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:29 am

Those that can do, those that can't teach? Is that what you're going for..or?

Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Beef » Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:10 am

How can I maximize dps on Vael?

I get threat capped so quickly I am unable to push the boss without taking over.

There has to be some trick I am missing allowing warriors to push 800+ dps on him without pulling off the tank.

Looking at Nopes I see theyre 1tanking it and allowing the Fury warriors to fight for it until hes dead but what about the other guilds?

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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Aslan » Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:33 am

- Kill times
- Not using Heroic strike
- Gnomish cloaking device (untested)
- Having decent tanks (1% of all tanks?)
Scar - Endurance
Aslan - The tales of a Shaman...
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by slipry » Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:55 pm

if you aren't killing it on the first tank(your tank dies to burn after the boss is dead) then you can't go very hard

other than that, tps spec'd tank that knows what to do

ive done 1500+ 2 weeks in a row just need some1 with really high tps
and whatever you do don't heroic strike
Senior Sergeant
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Heldunder » Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:53 pm

Aslan wrote:@Heldunder: Werent you fully prot specced? Assuming you do some off-dps when you arent needed as tank, either Nightfall, or did you try to switch a shield into your rotation for shield slam and then swap it back out.

nah, currently DW fury as i only tank like 4-5 bosses total in current content ( and some bwl trash) im 3rd in tank gear prio, so i dps most of the time, have decent dps gear but always seem to get rolled by the other warriors. lol i was hoping there was something i was doing wrong.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Beef » Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:29 pm

slipry wrote:if you aren't killing it on the first tank(your tank dies to burn after the boss is dead) then you can't go very hard

other than that, tps spec'd tank that knows what to do

ive done 1500+ 2 weeks in a row just need some1 with really high tps
and whatever you do don't heroic strike

How long do you wait and what is the rotation? BT, WW, Hamspam, BT, WW, 20% Execute execute execute?

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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Armilus » Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:43 pm

Beef wrote:
slipry wrote:if you aren't killing it on the first tank(your tank dies to burn after the boss is dead) then you can't go very hard

other than that, tps spec'd tank that knows what to do

ive done 1500+ 2 weeks in a row just need some1 with really high tps
and whatever you do don't heroic strike

How long do you wait and what is the rotation? BT, WW, Hamspam, BT, WW, 20% Execute execute execute?

There is no set time to wait. If the tank opens with a crit shield slam, go HAM. If the tank misses their first 3 attacks, wait. Just watch KTM.

Don't use heroic strike or cleave, they have bonus threat.

Warriors don't really have a rotation, instead it goes by priorities.

Execute > BT > Overpower > WW > Hamstring

So, use BT on cooldown. Use overpower if you can thread in the stance dance without interrupting BT every 6s. Use WW on cooldown UNLESS that will cause you to be on GCD and delay your next BT.

Make sure that whatever you do, you have enough rage for BT every 6s and aren't in global cooldown when the BT cooldown ends.

Use your cooldowns (deathwish, recklessness).

At 20%, spam execute.

If you are pushing close to the tanks threat, the tank is probably doing something wrong. They should be using shield slam and revenge on cooldown, every auto attack should be a heroic strike and sunder in between shield slam/revenge. If they have a weapon faster than 2.0s you should have no problem beating 800dps.
Cadmus - Priest, Nostalrius Begins PvP
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Heldunder » Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:54 pm

so do you know if ironfoe procs off of hamstring?
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Armilus » Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:02 pm

Heldunder wrote:so do you know if ironfoe procs off of hamstring?

No idea if it does, but it absolutely should. Hamstring requires a weapon to be equipped so it should work for all procs, just like sunder armor.
Cadmus - Priest, Nostalrius Begins PvP
Stabsington - Rogue, Nostalrius Begins PvP
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