Can't crit a Sunder. Revenge Crit is shit. This leaves shield slams which is on a CD, and heroic strikes (with alcorz is not too strong) for 2% being weighed. This trinket is overvalued.
DMC:M isn't dependent on only HS or shield slam.
Also for the person that keeps linking essence of pure flame....... single target. Theloras, I stand up for you in your pally tanking speeches, but you are way off on this one. 2.6 speed (thunderclap) enemy and 13 damage. (does not crit)
DMC:M. 200-300 damage, can crit. I tank with about 16% crit atm. so let's take mid damage of the trinket and add 16% crit which impale spec would increase that by 20% crit damage, so 346 damage average per proc. Hey lets add resist of 20% - 292 damage average per proc.
It will take getting hit 22 times from a single mob to equal the average damage of DMC:M. Assume thunderclap is always up. And assuming you always get hit. This is not the case, you factor in change to be missed, and this trinket is even more single target shit.
It will take 58.4 seconds to break even. DMC:M procs way more than once every 58.4 seconds when you have unlimited rage as you would in a TPS situation. So please stop giving bad information. It is purely an AOE trinket you put on once a raid to try hard on a specific pull.
In 5 man situations, spamming cleave, and stance dance to WW, gives this thing even more damage. Nothing sweeter than using a weak revenge, and boom, DMC:M crit 500+. Snap aggro my friend.
Ideally, Band of Accura for Ring 1, and with AQ pair with EMP ring or rep ring. Trinkets, DFT and syteens. That is 4 hit, and get crossbow of imminent doom from AQ20 for 5th hit: This is purely BiS till nax for trinket and rings TPS w/o missing out on DEF at all.