good post, just 2 things to say :
Imp taunt > mandatory for any raids imo. Those 2 seconds save your DPS in MANY situations, specially when your raid is full world buff / is doing 2k dps in average on boss.
So many fights it is needed, and you wont suffer with this talent threat wise (reduce armor in spec and G2G, you don't need armor for threat anyway)
Whatever the spec you choose, imp taunt is mandatory as a good tank. ... 0500201051Best spec in any situation for max threat.
if not rank 13, stacking world buffs and using lionheart helm is the way to go, definitely.
why the hell not use the bis helm when you already have 10k+ hp ?
Vael helm is shit as hell, even more for horde.
If you are not using full world buffs, then it's another matter, and lionheart is questionable.
But this topic is speaking about threat gear, so raid with full WBuffs
Str: 4th position before stamina / defense / armor whatever.
You don't need def or armor when you are at 10k hp for a speedrun / going for threat gear.
Before breaking r13 gear set, if you are (40 ap wise, it's dank, whatever you say) you have to be able to break it with amazing gear (t2.5 for sure / chroma boots + gladiator chest once updated for example and then use lionheart helm and later T2.5 helm)
Idealy set is helm / chest / shoulders in t2.5 and r12 legs / gloves / chroma boots.
Edit, did wrong talent by mistake, corrected