YCB's Tank Threat Guide (Itemization and Explanations)

Re: YCB's Tank Threat Guide (Itemization and Explanations)

by Vanill » Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:36 pm

1. What's your opinion on 8/8 Might as a threat set? since 15% extra threat on SA, which is (in alot of cases) one of our main threat generators.

Ycbshadow wrote:If you are Not Raged Capped or Do not have Aggro

Use Shield Slam >>> Revenge >>> Sunder Armor >>> Heroic Strike

Wouldn't Revenge >>> Sunder Armor >>> Heroic Strike ( Shield slam only if you approach cap) be a better rotation?

Considering the average threat/ rage point values & the fact the SA can't be dodged/parried/blocked & doesn't suffer from armor reduction.

Re: YCB's Tank Threat Guide (Itemization and Explanations)

by Aslan » Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:53 pm

HS > Sunder would gimp your threat generation due to loss of a white hit even more.
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Re: YCB's Tank Threat Guide (Itemization and Explanations)

by Armilus » Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:02 pm

To answer the above 2 posts, when you are not rage capped you should look at the threat per rage of abilities. I'm going to update my tanking guide to include this.

@Ycbshadow: Good guide. You should add armor in your part about stats. Armor effectively multiplies your health against physical damage and is just as important as stam.
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Re: YCB's Tank Threat Guide (Itemization and Explanations)

by Aslan » Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:11 pm

Armilus wrote:To answer the above 2 posts, when you are not rage capped you should look at the threat per rage of abilities. I'm going to update my tanking guide to include this.

Isnt HS better absolute and rage/threat than sunder but gimps your actual rage generation, since you lose the auto hit that would generate you more rage that you direly need?
I guess as horde you had to facture rage gain from WF procs in, but as alliance...? Quite unsure about this right now, especially since we dont have the AQ hs rank.
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Re: YCB's Tank Threat Guide (Itemization and Explanations)

by Armilus » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:01 pm

Aslan wrote:
Armilus wrote:To answer the above 2 posts, when you are not rage capped you should look at the threat per rage of abilities. I'm going to update my tanking guide to include this.

Isnt HS better absolute and rage/threat than sunder but gimps your actual rage generation, since you lose the auto hit that would generate you more rage that you direly need?
I guess as horde you had to facture rage gain from WF procs in, but as alliance...? Quite unsure about this right now, especially since we dont have the AQ hs rank.

When looking at the threat per rage you have to account for the rage generation that you lose. Heroic strike with talents is 35 threat per rage before accounting for the lost rage generation. On the flip side, sunder armor with talents is 32 threat per rage. So if your auto attack hits generate 3 rage or more, sunder armor is equivalent or better. Even with an alcor's I'm pretty sure your auto attacks generate 3 rage or more.

So before we even bother with the complicated calculations on rage generation, we can tell that sunder armor is a better place to spend your rage than heroic strike.

Revenge > Shield Slam > Sunder Armor when in a low rage situation.
Cadmus - Priest, Nostalrius Begins PvP
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Re: YCB's Tank Threat Guide (Itemization and Explanations)

by Aslan » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:06 pm

Ye thats what I thought so my initial post was correct, thanks for clearing it up though :).
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Re: YCB's Tank Threat Guide (Itemization and Explanations)

by vido » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:47 pm

I've done the threat comparison in my spreadsheet (went the extra mile with tank gear and different weapons/speeds) I can copy my post over from the guild forums if anyone wants it. I haven't gone over tps formulas in the sheet but I guess anyone can do this just by swapping gear and artificially limiting your rage per second to see what come out on top for specific gear combinations

Basically HS if you're not swapping weapons while low rage does a hair more threat per rage than sunder alliance side, while horde side it's always worse to HS rather than sunder due to windfury.

If you're swapping weapons like you should then the HS dpr is really abysmal since you're sacrificing a much more substantial white swing.

Anyway, the guide does a nice job listing yolo swag going ham tps gear, however it's lacking a much harder list to put together; items with the best combination of defensive and offensive stats. Stuff like savage gladiatior chain goes out the window for example if you're looking for any semblance of survivability
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Re: YCB's Tank Threat Guide (Itemization and Explanations)

by Undertanker » Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:03 am

Like Vido said, you should be weapon swapping to a better white hitting weapon than alcorz in these situations.

Raid buffed, alcorz on a non crit will give 4-5 rage, sometimes 6, depending on the RNG.
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Re: YCB's Tank Threat Guide (Itemization and Explanations)

by Undertanker » Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:34 am

Vanill wrote:1. What's your opinion on 8/8 Might as a threat set? since 15% extra threat on SA, which is (in alot of cases) one of our main threat generators.

8/8 is good for Onxyia until you get 5/8 T2 for 20% 5 less rage to allow free revenge strike and more uses of shield slam.

You can then run 3/8 T1(for bigger shield slams) 5/8 T2, as you will notice that you can put on the pieces of each set that have FR gear on them for this fight.

But for a pure balanced threat/def approach, put on the T2 5/8 that has FR gear, and use from YCB's list, true flight bracer, T1 gloves for more hit. (3 def on gloves).
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Re: YCB's Tank Threat Guide (Itemization and Explanations)

by Ixl » Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:08 am

good post, just 2 things to say :

Imp taunt > mandatory for any raids imo. Those 2 seconds save your DPS in MANY situations, specially when your raid is full world buff / is doing 2k dps in average on boss.
So many fights it is needed, and you wont suffer with this talent threat wise (reduce armor in spec and G2G, you don't need armor for threat anyway)
Whatever the spec you choose, imp taunt is mandatory as a good tank.

http://rpgworld.altervista.org/classic_ ... 0500201051
Best spec in any situation for max threat.

if not rank 13, stacking world buffs and using lionheart helm is the way to go, definitely.
why the hell not use the bis helm when you already have 10k+ hp ?
Vael helm is shit as hell, even more for horde.

If you are not using full world buffs, then it's another matter, and lionheart is questionable.
But this topic is speaking about threat gear, so raid with full WBuffs

Str: 4th position before stamina / defense / armor whatever.
You don't need def or armor when you are at 10k hp for a speedrun / going for threat gear.

Before breaking r13 gear set, if you are (40 ap wise, it's dank, whatever you say) you have to be able to break it with amazing gear (t2.5 for sure / chroma boots + gladiator chest once updated for example and then use lionheart helm and later T2.5 helm)
Idealy set is helm / chest / shoulders in t2.5 and r12 legs / gloves / chroma boots.

Edit, did wrong talent by mistake, corrected
Last edited by Ixl on Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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