fgsfdss wrote:Hi Grave, great sheet. Thanks a lot. A couple suggestions:
In your formulas you seem to spec 5/5 in Toughness and Anticipation. This is impossible for the Impale + 3 Cruelty threat spec, where you usually take 3/5 Toughness. I don't think that would change anything, but just something to keep in mind.
For FR gear you don't have Black Ash Robe. Right now with elemental damage being mitigated by armor it's not a good idea, but do you think it would be a better option when that gets fixed?
Draconian Deflector is also not a bad trade-off in terms of stats-to-FR. Drakefire Amulet is pretty weak, would be a better choice?
For NR gear you list Outrunner's Bow, I assume for the stamina / agility. Mandokir's sting is a direct upgrade. Alternatively, Bow of Taut Sinew (Ayamiss, AQ20) has 8 NR.
If we include world bosses, the crossbow from Emeriss also has 7 NR.
For the belt there's also the Elementium Plate Girdle of NR or the Bramblewood belt (I think that gets released in 1.9, but I'm not sure). Both have a lot more armor / stamina so they seem like more viable options (though you don't reach the cap that way with this current set).
You list Band of Cenarius for rings, however that's a 1.11 item (https://report.nostalrius.org/plugins/tracker/?aid=3767). For now we'll have to deal with double "of NR" rings if not for the Malfurion one.
It might also be interesting to make a different set including AQ loot for resist gear (like Amulet of Foul Warding), or pre-Huhuran loot only.
To address your impossible talent tree: http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#Lihb0hbZcZEizox0zVo
Some opt to take 2 out of 1h for imp shield wall during progression.
FR sets are a balance of FR / Stam / Def + Armor.
Your ZG bow statement, since you didn't have an issue losing 2 stam for 8 agil? Why not suggest losing two more for Dragonbreath cannon? Answer, cause on a raid wide NR fight, TPS from the crit on agil isn't worth losing stam which is #1 stat after NR in a resist set. Remember your raid dps will be gimped on damage as well due to having to wear NR gear. For the small dodge obtained from the weapon, NR fights primary damage is nature. Can't dodge a volley.
With any resist set, stat values differ than with a normal tanking set for all around tanking or pure mitigation. While other pieces may have more NR, or more stam, what else are they lacking in. What item do you have to swap out to make up for the gain or loss. 1 item can really turn your character set upside down. Remember the NR bosses still hit auto-attack so have to keep in mind that DEF/armor have stat values as well, they are lower - yes, but still are there.
Spreadsheets are a guideline to streamline obtainable gear. The inclusion of thunderfury you can argue, however you have to remember, this spreadsheet was for his use and he chose to share it with us.