1)Will take far more time to kill a priest as arms
2) Shammy is pretty fast, learn to pummel
3) Vs pally/druid your dead anyway
4) If you aren't a complete noob you should know that even if you're going to level fury 17-0-0 is where you start from (anyway we weren't talking about leveling)
5) Never had any problem vs equally geared MS warriors, no matter how many rage they are building up your dmg will be anyway highter and steadier.
6) About kiting classes just learn to avoid being kited (nothing can kite a warrior but frost mages or a very good druid, whit the proper gear not even they could)
I tried both specs in pretty almost every possilble situation in game and i'm saying fury in 1vs1 is better in most of them, if you can play it of course, otherwise: enjoy your arms i guess...
1. Nah, priest going to last much longer w/o healing debuff. Smart priest will juke your pummel and get full casted heals without MS.
2. Again, smart shaman will juke pummel and outlast your health without MS.
3. Nope. Early on paladin will beat a warrior, but once warrior gets some gear and an AR, paladin is going to go oom from healing debuff.
4. MS still has the advantage versus rogues. Intercept + MS > intercept + bloodthirst.
5. I've never lost a duel or 1v1 verses a fury warrior in vanilla. Never was even close. Maybe they all sucked. I doubt it. MS warriors on the other hand it often comes down to rng.
6. You are going to get kited, period. When you close the gap, enraged white hit + MS + WW > bloodthirst + WW + 2h fury white hit or a couple DW white hits.
Fury is probably better for pure grinding gold. I've PvPed plenty in fury and while it does OK, every time I end up going back to MS once I get tired of losing due to my targets getting healed.
Sometimes I think fury warriors just never get it. There's a reason MS/enrage is cookie cutter pvp spec.