by Cfred » Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:56 pm
My method is i mark a skull to kill and have skull bound so i can mark targets easily. If i pull a group of +3 what ill do is hit the skull first then start hitting other mobs, once i see skull on another player or targeting another player i then use taunt. This generally helps, when pulling ranged types, always LoS them so they group up makes it easier. Cleave is also a good tool if rage isnt an issue. Tabbing targets is best way or have health bars up and click if u need to make sure you land attacks on all mobs. Battle shout tends to create a lot of threat when you have people around on initial pull. Bloodrage + BS on pull isnt a bad idea. Use things to your advantage. In scholo/strat i stack up on holywater from Strat. This allows big pulls to be easy as hell and less work. Also charging in thunderclapping into mobs is another way. Tanking really isnt that difficult tho most find it is. Just gotta find your system.