Warrior Bug Complilation ( videos included )

Re: Warrior bugs i found so far, share yours too!

by Ektelion » Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:04 pm

LunarStrain wrote:
Ektelion wrote:
LunarStrain wrote:Problem with warriors battle shout. It doesnt cause aggro anymore... other servers they have battle shout as a aggro build even in retail BS was used for many strats in BWL and other raids....

Please fix this!!!
thank you

I played on retail and battle shout should not cause aggro, you're probably mixing it with Demo shout, that should cause aggro per application, i remember myself tanking ZG panthers on one side with just spamming Demo shout alone.

Thanks for pointing that out, i remembered it.

Please dont spread nonsense if you're clueless and dont know how mechanics should work, other private servers dont mean sh1t each one works different on their own because of their judgements alone,they dont know how it should work either.

this is official WoW, you can tell from the video date,that's the way it should work check video.

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Re: Warrior bugs i found so far, share yours too!

by Undertanker » Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:26 pm

Lunar is correct, buffing causes a lot of aggro, though if you reapply the buff that is already present, aggro isnt there. BS aggro when buffing 5 people should be around a 240 threat, demo is about 180 per target.
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Re: Warrior bugs i found so far, share yours too!

by Rememberlme » Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:07 pm

Warriors - the hardest class to play (besides hunter)

Yet we are left alone with these class bugs that aren't even minor :\

Re: Warrior bugs i found so far, share yours too!

by Ektelion » Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:07 pm

Undertanker wrote:Lunar is correct, buffing causes a lot of aggro, though if you reapply the buff that is already present, aggro isnt there. BS aggro when buffing 5 people should be around a 240 threat, demo is about 180 per target.

I dont see any evidence, i showed you a video from 2006, your turn.
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Re: Warrior bugs i found so far, share yours too!

by nervous » Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:43 am

I've found evidence that battleshout causes aggro with each re-application

http://ww11.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx? ... ID=3392438

"Battle Shout Method

Have the entire raid sitting on the throne platform. One warrior stands in a designated AoE spot (away from the platform) and spams Battle Shout on his group. This keeps most of the drakonids aggro'd on him allowing nonstop AoE from Mages and Warlocks....

If your tanks are having difficulty holding aggro on the Drakonids it is a good idea to place them in a group with classes that have pets. This way Battle Shout will generate more aggro as it is being applied to more things. It also helps to have the Battle Shout book from AQ20, at least 3 pieces of Wrath and Improved Battle Shout. "


video showing the above in action

Not concrete proof, but I think it's worth more searching.

Re: Warrior bugs i found so far, share yours too!

by holkan » Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:26 am

Battle shout was insane agro about a month ago or so. Battle shout agro on live was nuts and nefarian strats revolved around spamming battleshout to agro the adds from the doors. Once a few nefarian kills happened they gutted battle shout agro and spamming demo shout became the best method.

Re: Warrior bugs i found so far, share yours too!

by nervous » Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:10 pm

holkan wrote:Battle shout was insane agro about a month ago or so. Battle shout agro on live was nuts and nefarian strats revolved around spamming battleshout to agro the adds from the doors. Once a few nefarian kills happened they gutted battle shout agro and spamming demo shout became the best method.

Happened in 2.0.1 :)


"Fixed an issue where Warrior "Battle Shout" was causing too much threat."

Re: Warrior bugs i found so far, share yours too!

by Rememberlme » Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:31 pm


It doesn't heal you OVER 6 seconds but AFTER 6 seconds... it's a great pushback for warriors! Please fix it soon... warriors are so bugged!!

If target crits me every 5 seconds I won't get any heal out of Blood Craze because the buff Will refresh and it won't heal until it runs out....

Re: Warrior bugs i found so far, share yours too!

by Ektelion » Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:34 am

Rememberlme wrote:BLOOD CRAZE talent BUGGED

It doesn't heal you OVER 6 seconds but AFTER 6 seconds... it's a great pushback for warriors! Please fix it soon... warriors are so bugged!!

If target crits me every 5 seconds I won't get any heal out of Blood Craze because the buff Will refresh and it won't heal until it runs out....

I was fury till lvl 45, and blood craze worked as it should, i don't know if any changes on other spells bugged it?

no clue, need some confirmation on this ( aka proof )
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Re: Warrior Bug Complilation ( videos included )

by Ektelion » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:55 pm

Added Lord General's Sword proc bug.

Just wondering if any Devs pay attention to this topic?
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