Hello! I am hell bent on creating an undead warrior with the intent of dipsing and pvp. So not tanking. But the reason I am writing is because I am looking for any tips, tricks, fun stories or any general words of wisdom about warriors. Endgame, leveling or pvp. Looking for anything.
Thank you!
Pyron, the not so dead undead warrior
Few things -
Warriors are not solo beasts in PvP. Befriend healers. I cannot stress this enough. A warrior without healers is like a fish out of water. You need them.
I would also recommend befriending a good hunter to babysit your healers. You should always keep an eye on your healers and assist them if they are in real trouble, but hunters are much better at peeling rogues than you are. A big part of being a warrior in group pvp is zoning. You don't want to bring everything you're fighting to your healer unless it can't be helped.
You'll want to aim for 5k hp. Anyone that sees a warrior running around in 4k dps leather thinks "free kill". They will actively hunt you. I know I do.
An important thing to consider in PvP is that it revolves heavily around engineering, potions and other items.
There are probably threads you can find on this, but on an absolute level I believe undead is the strongest pvp race on horde for warriors, in part due to the meta created by items and also, perhaps more importantly, because undead can afford to spend a little less time in berserker stance.
Nothing quite screams "please blow me up" like overextending with an angry dwarf over your head. And this allows undead to be aggressive in very unique ways.
And if only for the fun of it: armor debuffs (sunder) work better on lower armored classes. If you're trying to kill something squishy and you know you're going to sit on him for a while because he's getting spam healed, put a few sunders on. The same can help versus a protection warrior or druid of course. But it's better on cloth. Especially versus SL locks and shadow priests.
As a final note: play around with target swapping and seeing how you can bait things out/oom healers/ramp up pressure with it.
Don't break CC. Very important. Do not hit things that need to be sheeped, because your bleeds will prevent crowd control from working.
And ask for feedback from your healers to get a feeling for what you can get away with.
On the pve end of the spectrum
Sadly, arms is not competitive in raids. That's not to say you can't play it, especially in the less hardcore guilds. But where fury can easily top meters, arms struggles, and not only because of the poor damage output.
All mobs in vanilla, bosses included, only have 16 debuff slots. That means you can put up 16 debuffs with 40 people. Mortal strike takes up one of these slots and doesn't do anything other than sit there. Deep wounds is a low priority debuff, meaning that if the code works as intended, it should always be pushed off by more important things. But Mortal Strike will stick. And it will actually hurt your own dps, because that means there's no room for debuffs that are beneficial to you.
That's not the end of the world. Not all guilds are as strict about that. And there is a way around it by getting a Nightfall axe and spamming hamstring with your pvp gloves on. But a prot warrior can do that equally well, and can tank too.
If you want to dps as fury and pvp as arms, you will have to farm at least 100 gold for respecs on a weekly basis. Which is doable, but extremely tedious as it takes a lot of time. Time you might not have if you're trying to rank in pvp.
As for races, Orc is undisputed king of PvE on horde.
Trolls are a strong second.
Undead is competitive to the point that the gap created by racials can easily be bridged by a player of superior skill. But all other things being equal an orc should always win.
There is only one true cow and that's Trashing. Everybody else that plays Tauren is just a poser.
And I think this ended up longer than I intended, but here you go.