The Warrior Leveling

Re: The Warrior Leveling

by Orkchop » Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:59 pm

Grave wrote:Trying out this 2H Fury spec until level 40, than speccing MS.

At level 21, Arms gets Imp. OP.
At level 21, Fury 2H has 2/3 Blood Craze or 2/3 Imp Cleave. (5/5 Cruelty)

At level 29, Arms gets Impale. (Imp. OP)
At level 29, Fury 2H 5/5 Enrage. (5/5 Cruelty)

At level 35 Arms gets Axe Spec 5% crit to match Fury Cruelty. (SS, Imp. OP, Impale)
At level 35 Fury 2H gets 1/5 Flurry. (DW, Enrage, Cruelty)

Early disadvantage, but superior later. For me at least.

That actually looks pretty good. Some self-heals and good AOE. New tanks definitely need to accept that they don;t need to be tank specced really until later on. The early tank talents are pretty lackluster and only really get important after 40-50.

Re: The Warrior Leveling

by Juddy » Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:11 pm

bis early game leveling spec and it's not even close. Literally like comparing Brady to Manning; there is no comparison.

Re: The Warrior Leveling

by geefull » Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:55 pm

Juddy wrote:

bis early game leveling spec and it's not even close. Literally like comparing Brady to Manning; there is no comparison.

This spec is based on Imp Revenge ( stun = No Dodge,No Parade,No Block = more dps and rage + less dmg done by mobs )
It means start with a charge or not and then switch def to use Revenge.

If you like to quest in def stance ... it's up to you ! ^^

Re: The Warrior Leveling

by Duke23 » Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:54 pm

Grave wrote:I've leveled a warrior in classic WoW, ED and Warsong.

Here's my tip:
1-10: 1H+Shield Use rend all the time until you get MS at 40. Don't use Rend while tanking ofc.
11-40: Arms (40-42 Fury for grinding mobs to get mount, if you don't have WW axe/sword)
43-60: Back to Arms when you get a decent 40's range 2H, executioner's cleaver pref. (

Fury without hit gear is just painful. There will be world PvP, Arms is great for it.

Tanking. You can tank any dungeon in any spec while leveling. While having Flurry (from Fury tree) is useful for tanking, just have a fast-1hander and a shield, and Arms tanking will also be cake. You don't need plate armor to tank, just get some decent mail armor to tank pre-plate range (plate is level 40+).

CAUTION: Leveling a warrior in the 20's range is extremely painful, we're talking 1v1 in Duskwood Undeads and losing. So always play it safe. Pull mobs back to a safe range, don't attack 2 mobs in the same level range as you in Duskwood and expect to survive.

Hey thanks for sharing your experience.. I would like to level in Arms, do a little pvp and maybe tank some instances. Would you mind to post a skilltree what you think would be the best for this case. Thanks allot ;)

Re: The Warrior Leveling

by Raktae » Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:30 pm

Grave wrote:Trying out this 2H Fury spec until level 40, than speccing MS.

At level 21, Arms gets Imp. OP.
At level 21, Fury 2H has 2/3 Blood Craze or 2/3 Imp Cleave. (5/5 Cruelty)

At level 29, Arms gets Impale. (Imp. OP)
At level 29, Fury 2H 5/5 Enrage. (5/5 Cruelty)

At level 35 Arms gets Axe Spec 5% crit to match Fury Cruelty. (SS, Imp. OP, Impale)
At level 35 Fury 2H gets 1/5 Flurry. (DW, Enrage, Cruelty)

Early disadvantage, but superior later. For me at least.

This has been the spec I've been using through the suffering that is leveling, I'm just hoping that it comes out to be worth all the trouble when I eventually get the WW axe and respec at 40 to Arms.

If you can find a Priest or other healer-type friend. Find them, and drag them with you everywhere, it has saved me so much time.
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Re: The Warrior Leveling

by Tinvarse » Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:05 am

Thinking of going this route while leveling. Mostly arms, and getting prot talents in the 40s to help with harder dungeon tanking.
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Re: The Warrior Leveling

by buczech » Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:04 am

id say that till level 30 it does not really matter if you are arms or fury specced, both specs have its usefull talent points but from what ive readed noone mentioned sweping strikes which is in my eyes the most usefull ability for leveling. Also i'd íike to point out that going fury =/= dualwielding

Re: The Warrior Leveling

by Hammered » Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:06 am

I must be the only one crazy enough to go full prot during leveling, currently at 23 after 10 days of playing and I can't say I'm having a hard time as some would say.

edit: just managed to kill 2 mobs in duskwood at the same time, probably crown of the day

Re: The Warrior Leveling

by Storfan » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:35 pm

buczech wrote:id say that till level 30 it does not really matter if you are arms or fury specced, both specs have its usefull talent points but from what ive readed noone mentioned sweping strikes which is in my eyes the most usefull ability for leveling. Also i'd íike to point out that going fury =/= dualwielding

Sweeping strikes *chuckle*. Implying you'll survive more than 1 mob beating on you:) Also, you are right, fury doesnt mean DualWield. Infact, 2h Fury is quite viable.

Hammered wrote:I must be the only one crazy enough to go full prot during leveling, currently at 23 after 10 days of playing and I can't say I'm having a hard time as some would say.

edit: just managed to kill 2 mobs in duskwood at the same time, probably crown of the day

Prot lvling isnt hard. Just Slow. Very Slow.

Re: The Warrior Leveling

by P20107M » Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:07 am

I never played vanilla wow and i never played warrior. Can you guys give me a good leveling build please?


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