Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Plask » Thu Jun 25, 2015 5:35 pm

Aten wrote:As an arms warrior I've tanked every 5 man I've done while leveling, I've also been the one to form 95% of the groups. I'll never group another warrior. Why? I'm greedy, and rogues do it better.

You can pretty much tank anything pre-MC as fury or arms. Maybe give tanking a shot.

This ^

Tank dungeons as fury and take both tankgear and dpsgear ;)
Sidesprang wrote:Defcap is overrated at current state of the game.
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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Jentis » Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:19 pm

Just put on a shield and tank...

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by diogenes » Fri Jun 26, 2015 4:22 pm

sydars wrote:
Guybrush wrote:Again, why do people care about loot in low level dungeons? It's going to quickly get replaced.

Yes, if you are trying to get to 60 as fast as possible, not a big deal. However, if you're trying to get to 60 as fast as possible, you probably shouldn't be banking on dungeons at all. Further, gear helps significantly during the leveling process. If you're lucky enough to get a nice blue at a timely level, then its going to last you until you get an equivalent green 5-10 levels later. 5-10 levels, is a decent amount of time to be wearing a piece, and in some circumstances, the item can last significantly longer.

A lot of plate is good for tank and DPS roles in low level dungeons, both have a right to roll.

I concede your point here, but honestly, why would you want to dps as a fury in that case. In that case, you should *WANT* to tank and exclude any plate dps from your party. Unless you have a druid to tank, which then I say go for the dps spot if you wish.

DPS Warriors are not useless and can provide a lot of utility.

Ok, this is nonsense. What utility do they actually provide? Assuming you have a warrior tanking already, your battle shout is superfluous. So unless you have a druid tanking, you provide 0 utility. The only kind of utility I can think of that you're suggesting here is the ability to OT. But if you're required to OT, the healer is most likely already overstressed for healing and you're likely just to die because of it (and you guys probably don't have enough cc because you decided to bring a fury warrior, enh shaman and shadow priest for dps). Seriously, fury warriors are among the worst specs to have for a 5 man, unless you're the one doing the tanking. The only other thing I can think of is that you can kite with hamstring/piercing howl, but unless your kiting several mobs at once (which I seriously doubt the majority of fury warriors have the skill to do), that job can be fulfilled significantly better by a mage, hunter, or even a warlock with CoX.

Please, enlighten me in what "utility" fury warriors bring.

I've been in groups that survived a lot of stupid pulls because a plate-wearer could effectively off-tank and keep crap off the healer.

Ah, I see, your idea of utility is actually being the real tank. Go figure...
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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Viorus » Sat Jun 27, 2015 3:15 am

people think fury warrior dps blows, you'll get a group much easier by using a shield / tank role pre 60.
Viorin, 60 Night Elf Druid (USA), Knight-Champion

"Strive for greatness."
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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Robotron » Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:35 pm

Viorus wrote:people think fury warrior dps blows, you'll get a group much easier by using a shield / tank role pre 60.

That, and warriors are tanks first, DPS second. Warriors who do not understand this need to roll a rogue. And you are correct on the sword and board point; you can tank pre-60 as Arms or Fury just fine.
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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by JeeTee » Sat Jun 27, 2015 7:37 pm

Viorus wrote:people think fury warrior dps blows, you'll get a group much easier by using a shield / tank role pre 60.

It does blow with no gear, which is exactly what you will have while leveling up. It only starts getting good with level 60 blues/craftables. Even then it's not a great 5 man spec because you are constantly pulling aggro while wearing leather...
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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Shonem » Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:28 pm

Whiskra wrote:If you are a lowbie warrior looking for a dungeon group, I'd expect you to tank it regardless of spec, unless there is another warrior/paladin/druid doing that job for you. A "dps" warrior on that level is kinda useless compared to other classes.

I've out DPSed most people in the dungeons I've run so far as a fury warrior, or at least held my own with the top DPS.
I don't see why anyone would want to kick someone from a group after inviting them ON THE PREMISE that they would dps, aside from greed for item drops.
Which is even more shitty considering the prot warrior will get 10 groups before I get a single one, so the chance they get a drop over me is 10 to 1.
I've mostly just wanted to get my quests out of the way since 45-50 can be a bit of a dead zone if you don't get uld and zf out of the way, which at 49 I still haven't sadly.

But I have dpsed everything from ony to lich king, I've mostly just had my fill of it.
If I must I might strap a shield on, but I don't have the money to buy one, so it will have to be on a drop.
Keeping up with weapons is hard enough in the current market. lol

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Robotron » Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:37 pm

You only get to DPS as a warrior pre-60 if the group already has a tank. There's nothing wrong with inviting a second warrior to a 5 man. However, HURR DPS ONLY WARRIOR players are literal cancer. Then we get awesome shit like this happening:

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Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Shonem » Sun Jun 28, 2015 1:02 am

What about all the druids and paladins refusing to tank when they can?
Or feral druids refusing to heal when they can?
Or shadow priests?

I've got no problem with people playing the class they want to, the way THEY want to play, there is no shortage of warriors willing to tank, but the number of people willing to let a warrior dps is really low, and it's kind of shitty no?

Re: Nobody wants fury warrior pre 60

by Robotron » Sun Jun 28, 2015 1:45 am

I have the exact same stance on healers while leveling. If you can heal, then you're healing unless the group already has somebody who can. More often than not, tanks are in the shortest supply, both pre-60 and at 60. I also have no problem with warriors wanting to DPS, as I said, but only if there is no need for a tank. If you want to play melee DPS, there is this class called "rogue" that exists for this very reason. If you don't want to tank, then be a rogue like me because you'll never get asked to tank. It's like being a priest who doesn't want to heal--just roll a warlock or a mage.
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