Whiskra wrote:If you are a lowbie warrior looking for a dungeon group, I'd expect you to tank it regardless of spec, unless there is another warrior/paladin/druid doing that job for you. A "dps" warrior on that level is kinda useless compared to other classes.
I've out DPSed most people in the dungeons I've run so far as a fury warrior, or at least held my own with the top DPS.
I don't see why anyone would want to kick someone from a group after inviting them ON THE PREMISE that they would dps, aside from greed for item drops.
Which is even more shitty considering the prot warrior will get 10 groups before I get a single one, so the chance they get a drop over me is 10 to 1.
I've mostly just wanted to get my quests out of the way since 45-50 can be a bit of a dead zone if you don't get uld and zf out of the way, which at 49 I still haven't sadly.
But I have dpsed everything from ony to lich king, I've mostly just had my fill of it.
If I must I might strap a shield on, but I don't have the money to buy one, so it will have to be on a drop.
Keeping up with weapons is hard enough in the current market. lol